ipni / specs

:book: Technical Specification of IPNI Protocols

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IPNI Specifications

This repository contains the specs for the InterPlanetary Network Indexer (IPNI) Protocol and its associated subsystems.


Suggestions, contributions, criticisms are welcome. To contribute, simply open a PR on this repo with suggested changes to existing specification, or introduce a new one.

New specification proposals should:

  • use the format outlined in template file.
  • be marked with appropriate Label; see Labels.

Proposed changes to existing specifications should:

  • clearly document the motivation for change
  • ideally avoid breaking changes.
    • when breaking changes are unavoidable, the proposal should outline affected systems, risk and mitigation.


Specifications use the following labels to identify their state:

  • wip - A work-in-progress, possibly to describe an idea before actually committing to a full draft.
  • draft - A draft that is ready to review, with sufficient detail to be implementable.
  • reliable - The spec has been adopted, implemented and can be used as a reference point to learn how the system works.
  • stable - The spec is finalised. It may alter in the future but the system it specifies will not change fundamentally.
  • permanent - The spec will not change.
  • deprecated - The spec is no longer in use and should not be extended nor built upon.

Code of Conduct

This repository follows the IPFS Community Code of Conduct.


:book: Technical Specification of IPNI Protocols