sc2dsstats is a dotnet core – blazor - electron app for analyzing your Starcraft 2 Direct Strike Replays. It generates charts showing the win rate, synergy, mvp and other stats of each commander.
This project is no longer under development, please switch to Thank you!
You need to include using the branch chartjsGuidFix to run from source.
- Using IronPython + s2protocol to decode and parse replays
- ElectronNET ASP .NET Core Balzor Server app
- ASP .NET Core Blazor WASM Website
- Database models used for MySQL (Server) and SQLite (App)
- Razor library used by Server and App
- Needed for converting the old database model
- Electron.NET (
- Chart.js (
- s2protocol (
- IronPython (
- ChartJs.Blazor (
And all other packages used but not mentioned here.
Copyright (c) 2022, Philipp Hetzner Open sourced under the GNU General Public License version 3. See the included LICENSE file for more information.