iot-edge-foundation / iot-edge-tradfri

Azure IoT Edge support for IKEA Trådfri/Tradfri

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Azure IoT Edge support for IKEA Trådfri/Tradfri. The functionality is limited to lights and switches.

IoT Edge Modules

This IoT Edge module is available as Docker container.

This Docker module is optimized for Azure IoT Edge:


Note: This module is tested using the amd64 version. The Raspberry PI version (arm32) functionality is confirmed.

How to use in routing flow

Supported features

At this moment, the module supports:

  • Generating a private key for the module as an Tradfri application
  • Connecting to Hub when right properties are filled in
  • Reboot Hub / Reconnect to the hub
  • Overview of all groups and the devices in these groups or of filtered groups
  • Curren state, brightness, and color (hexadecimal) of lights
  • Set color/brightness/state of light
  • Set color/brightness of group of lights
  • Turn on or off outlets
  • Events/changes are shown as IoT Edge telemetry events on 'output1'
  • Overview of battery power left in (battery powered) devices

Work in progress

This is a work in progress. We accept your pull requests. Please support with:

  • Mood is not supported by groups
  • Stability (eg. change events updates)
  • Bug fixes

Logging showed at the start of module


1. How to start with IoT Edge Tradfri

Start by setting up an IoT Edge device. Use one of these quick starts to get a basic setup.

Next you add this tradfri module to your edge device.

Fill in the desired properties of the IoT Edge module so you can start connecting to your tradfri hub:

  • gatewayName (required; choose a name that you like)
  • ipAddress (required; the IP address of the Trådfri hub; find it using some network scan tool or your in the ip logging of your router. Compare the MAC address on the back of your hub as reference)
  "properties.desired": {
    "gatewayName": "[your gateway name]",
    "ipAddress": "[the ip address of your hub]"

this will look like this:

Setting up the module in IoT Edge

At this point, your tradfri module is not trusted yet by the tradfri hub.

Your module is running and waiting for the 'generateAppSecret' direct command. This is the way to get an app secret key which you have to store afterwards.

Now call the 'generateAppSecret' direct method. Pass the "gateway secret" key, found on the back of your Trådfri hub. The body of the Direct Method 'generateAppSecret' should look like:

  "gatewaySecret": "[key of the back of your hub]"

Note: the name of the module or a combination of IoT Edge device name/module name will be used as the application name (depending on the 'useExtendedApplicationName' desired property).

The returned "application secret" has to be filled in in the desired property too:

  • appSecret

Now, the desired properties will look like:

  "properties.desired": {
    "gatewayName": "[your gateway name]",
    "ipAddress": "[the ip address of your hub]",
    "appSecret": "[the generated app secret]"

Once these valid desired properties are passed, the module will connect with the hub and collect information.

2. Controlling lights

Lights can be controlled individually or as a group.

State, brightness, and color of lights can be set. Mood is not available yet in groups.

Supported Tradfri colors are:

  • Blue, LightBlue, SaturatedPurple, Lime, LightPurple, Yellow, SaturatedPink, DarkPeach, SaturatedRed, ColdSky, Pink, Peach, WarmAmber, LightPink, CoolDaylight, CandleLight, WarmGlow, WarmWhite, Sunrise, CoolWhite

Note: you can pass any hexadecimal color if you set the desired property 'allowHexColors'. There is no check on the color number passed.

See also the methods below on how to controll lights.

Interfacing the module

Desired and reported properties

The following properties are used:

  • gatewayName (required; choose a name)
  • ipAddress (required; the IP address of the Trådfri hub)
  • appSecret (required; generate this with appropriate Direct Method)
  • interval (set it to the number of minutes the device event observations must be renewed (-1 observes only once))
  • allowHexColors (tradionally, only limited Tradfri colors like SaturatedPurple, Peach, and CandleLight are allowed. These are then translated into hexadecimal color numbers. With this option you can enter any hexadecimal color; default false)
  • useExtendedApplicationName (use this setting if you run multiple IoT Edge devices with the same Tradfri module name on the same hub; default false)

It's recommended to have the interval set to two minutes. By default, device events are disabled.

Direct Methods

The following Direct Methods are offered:

  • generateAppSecret
  • collectInformation
  • getGatewayInfo
  • reboot
  • reconnect
  • setLight
  • setOutlet
  • setGroup
  • collectBatteryPower

generateAppSecret method

The input is:

public class GenerateAppSecretRequest
  public string gatewaySecret {get; set;}

Note: The gateway secret can be found on the back of your Trådfri hub.

The output is :

public class GenerateAppSecretResponse
  public string appSecret {get; set;}
  public string errorMessage { get; set; }

Fill in this appSecret in the related Desired Property.

collectInformation method

Collection information can take up to a few minutes. Please adjust the timeout settings accordingly.

The input format is empty or filtered:



  "filter": "[Group IDs]"

Note: You can pass one or more Group IDs (separated by some separator like a comma) to filter the list of groups.

The output format is:

public class CollectInformationResponse : CollectedInformation
  public int responseState { get; set; }

public class CollectedInformation
  public Dictionary<long, Group> groups {get; private set;}

public class Group
  public string name { get; set; }
  public long lightState { get; set; }
  public long activeMood {get; set;}
  public Dictionary<long, Device> devices {get; private set;}

public class Device
  public string deviceType { get; set; }
  public string deviceTypeExt { get; set; }
  public string name { get; set; }
  public long battery { get; set; }
  public DateTime lastSeen { get; set; }
  public string reachableState { get; set; }
  public long dimmer { get; set; }
  public string state { get; set; }
  public string colorHex { get; set; }
  public string serial { get; set; }
  public string firmwareVersion { get; set; }
  public string powerSource { get; set; }  

collectInformation example

This is an example of the response:

	"status": 200,
	"payload": {
		"responseState": 0,
		"groups": {
		           131090: {
				"name": "Main room",
				"lightState": 0,
				"activeMood": 196659,
				"devices": {
				        65593: {
						"deviceType": "Remote",
						"deviceTypeExt": "TRADFRI remote control",
						"name": "Remote main room",
						"battery": 34,
						"lastSeen": "2019-11-12T21:33:32Z",
						"reachableState": "1",
						"dimmer": 0,
						"state": null,
						"colorHex": null,
						"serial": "",
						"firmwareVersion": "2.3.014",
						"powerSource": "InternalBattery"
					65594: {
						"deviceType": "Light",
						"deviceTypeExt": "TRADFRI bulb GU10 WS 400lm",
						"name": "My mood light",
						"battery": 0,
						"lastSeen": "2019-11-12T19:58:08Z",
						"reachableState": "0",
						"dimmer": 220,
						"state": "True",
						"colorHex": "f1e0b5",
						"serial": "",
						"firmwareVersion": "2.0.022",
						"powerSource": "InternalBattery"

getGatewayInfo method

The input is empty:


The output is:

public class GatewayInfoResponse
  public int responseState { get; set; }
  public string errorMessage { get; set; }
  public long commissioningMode { get; set; }
  public string currentTimeISO8601 { get; set; }
  public string firmware { get; set; }
  public string gatewayID { get; set; }
  public long gatewayTimeSource { get; set; }
  public long gatewayUpdateProgress { get; set; }
  public string homekitID { get; set; }
  public string ntp { get; set; }
  public long otaType { get; set; }
  public long OtaUpdateState { get; set; }

reboot method

The input is empty:


The output is:

public class RebootResponse
  public int responseState { get; set; }
  public string errorMessage { get; set; }

Note: After this method is sent, the Hub is actually rebooting. This takes some time. You have to reconnect later before you can continue to work with the hub.

reconnect method

Sometimes other direct methods result in a timeout. The most likely reason is that another application has changed the properties of a device. In that case, reconnect using this method.

The input is empty:


The output is:

public class ReconnectResponse
  public int responseState { get; set; }
  public string errorMessage { get; set; }

setLight method

Turn a light on or off. Adjust color and/or brightness.

The input is:

public class SetLightRequest
  public long id { get; set; }
  public bool? turnLightOn { get; set; }
  public string color { get; set; }
  public int? brightness { get; set; }

The output is:

public class SetLightResponse
  public int responseState { get; set; }
  public string errorMessage { get; set; }

setOutlet method

Turn an outlet on or off.

The input is:

public class SetOutletRequest
  public long id { get; set; }
  public bool? state { get; set; }

The output is:

public class SetOutletResponse
  public int responseState { get; set; }
  public string errorMessage { get; set; }

setGroup method

The input is:

public class SetLightRequest
  public long id { get; set; }
  public bool? turnLightOn { get; set; }
  public int? brightness { get; set; }

The output is:

public class SetGroupResponse
  public int responseState { get; set; }
  public string errorMessage { get; set; }

collectBatteryPower method

The input format is:

public class CollectBatteryPowerRequest
    public bool? all {get; set;} // if false, devices with an internal battery are skipped (Default = true)

The output format is:

public class CollectBatteryPowerResponse 
    public BatteryPowerDevice[] devices {get; set;}

    public int responseState { get; set; }

    public string errorMessage { get; set; }

An example of the output is:

    "status": 200,
    "payload": {
        "devices": [
                "deviceTypeExt": "TRADFRI remote control",
                "name": "Biolab remote",
                "battery": 87,
                "powerSource": "Battery"
        "responseState": 0,
        "errorMessage": null

Routing events

Changes/events on devices are made available as messages on route 'output1'.

This is the output format:

  "id": 65589,
  "name": "Bulb living room",
  "state": "True",
  "brightness": 86,
  "colorHex": "efd275"
  "groupId": 1234,
  "groupName": "Living room",
  "lastSeen": "2019-11-21T18:33:46Z"

Note: recieving these messages is only possible when the desired property 'interval' is set.


The logic in this module is based on


This github repository is not related in any way to IKEA, IKEA Systems B.V. or the INGKA Holding B.V.

This module is trying to honor all rights of Ikea regarding Trådfri.

This repository is available under the MIT license.


Azure IoT Edge support for IKEA Trådfri/Tradfri

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%