The current project, Dog Breed classification, is for the fulfilment of Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer NanoDegree. The project submission contains the following documents:
- dog-app notebook
- The Report notebook with the code that used to produce the Report of the project
- The Project proposal
- The final Report
- The my_images folder with the images used to test the algorithm
- The html file of the dog app
The datasets used in the project are provided by Udacity an is saved in the S3 AWS.
- The first dataset contains dog images of 133 different dog breeds
- The second dataset contains human faces
For this project an Anaconda environment used to install the required packages
- Numpy - 1.18.5
- Scikit-learn - 0.18.1
- Keras - 2.0.2
- TensorFlow - 1.0.0
- OpenCV -
- Matplotlib - 2.0.0
- IPykernel - 5.0.0
- Jupyterlab - 2.1.0