intrawebgoat / fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report

Command line application to create weekly reports (containing stats, metrics, and rankings) for Fantasy Football leagues on the following platforms: Yahoo, Fleaflicker, Sleeper, ESPN.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report


Latest Version: v8.3.1-beta

Build Status

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Table of Contents


The Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report application automatically generates a report in the form of a PDF file that contains a host of metrics and rankings for teams in a given fantasy football league.

Currently supported fantasy football platforms:

  • Yahoo

  • Fleaflicker

  • Sleeper

  • ESPN

Example Report

You can see an example of what a report looks like here!


The application has only been tested in macOS, but should be cross-platform compatible. The app requires Python 3.6 or later (Python 2 is no longer supported). To check if you have Python 3.6 installed, open up a window in Terminal (macOS), Command Prompt (Windows), or a command line shell of your choice, and run python --version. If the return is Python 3.6.x, you are good to go. If the return is Python 2.x.x, you will need to install Python 3.6. Check out the instructions here for how to install Python 3.6 on your system.

Project dependencies can be viewed in the requirements.txt file.


The Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report requires several different sets of setup steps, depending on how you wish to run it. To get the application running locally, you will first need to go through the following steps.

* General setup excludes Google Drive and Slack integrations. See Additional Integrations for details on including those add-ons.

Automated Setup


There is a pre-made setup bash script in the top level of this repository called In lieu of doing the manual setup steps, you can simply do the following:

  • Note: This script has not been extensively tested. It was added in order to simplify the required setup steps, but please still do your best to verify that things worked properly after running it before moving on to running the application.

  • Download the script by right-clicking and selecting "Download Linked File". A file download should start to your local downloads folder (default is ~/Downloads/ on macOS).

  • Open a command line prompt

    • macOS: type Cmd + Space (⌘ + Space) to bring up Spotlight, and search for "Terminal" and hit enter).
  • Navigate to wherever you wish to have the Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report application set up:

    Example (use whatever directory in which you wish to store the app):

    cd ~/projects
  • Move the the script to the above location:

    Example (move the file from your downloads folder):

    mv ~/Downloads/ .
  • Run ./

    • If you get an error when running ./, the script might not be executable. You can run chmod +x to make it executable. You may need to execute the chmod command as an administrator, depending on your system permissions, in which case you can run sudo chmod +x and then enter your password.
  • You can now skip ahead to Running the Report Application.

Manual Setup

  • Make sure your operating system (OS) has Python 3 installed. See the above section on dependencies for instructions.

  • After you've finished installing Python 3, check that it has been successfully installed by running python3 --version (or py -0p (or py -3 to see if you can launch Python 3 if py -0p fails) if using the Python launcher for Windows in Windows to list installed Python version with their paths) in the command line again, and confirming that it outputs Python 3.x.x. If it does not, double check that you followed all Python 3 installation steps correctly.

  • Open a command line prompt

    • macOS: type Cmd + Space (⌘ + Space) to bring up Spotlight, and search for "Terminal" and hit enter).
    • Windows: type Windows + R to open the "Run" box, then type cmd and then click "OK" to open a regular Command Prompt (or type cmd and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open an administrator Command Prompt)
    • Linux: type Ctrl+Alt+T (in Ubuntu).
  • Install git (if you do not already have it installed). You can see instructions for installation on your OS here. If you are comfortable using the command line, feel free to just install git for the command line. However, if using the command line is not something you have much experience with and would prefer to do less in a command line shell, you should install Git for Desktop.

  • Clone this project to whichever directory you wish:

    git clone
    • If not using SSH, then use HTTPS by running:
    git clone
  • Run cd fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report to enter the project directory.

  • Set up a virtual environment:

    • macOS/Linux:

      • Run pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper (if not already installed).

      • Run touch ~/.bashrc.

      • Run

        echo 'export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs' >> ~/.bashrc
        echo 'source /usr/local/bin/' >> ~/.bashrc
      • Run source ~/.bashrc

      • Run which python3. This should output something like /usr/local/bin/python3. Copy that path for the next step.

    • Windows:

      • Run pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper-win

      • Details for using virtualenvwrapper-win can be found here.

  • Run mkvirtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report.

  • When the previous command is finished running, your command line prompt should now look something like this:

    (fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report) [username@Computer 02:52:01 PM] ~/fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report $

    Congratulations, you have successfully created a Python 3 virtual environment for the project to run in!

  • Finally, run pip install -r requirements.txt

Yahoo Setup

  • Log in to a Yahoo account with access to whatever fantasy football leagues from which you wish to retrieve data.

  • Retrieve your Yahoo Fantasy football league id, which you can find by going to, clicking on your league, and looking here:


  • Change the league_id value in config.ini to the above located league id.

  • Go to and create an app (you must be logged into your Yahoo account as stated above). For the app, select the following options:

    • Application Name (Required): yahoo fantasy sports metrics (you can name your app whatever you want, but this is just an example).

    • Application Type (Required): select the Installed Application radio button.

    • Description (Optional): you may write a description of what the app does.

    • Home Page URL (Optional): if you have a web address related to your app you may add it here.

    • Redirect URI(s) (Required): this field must contain a valid redirect address, so you can use localhost:8080

    • API Permissions (Required): check the Fantasy Sports checkbox. You can leave the Read option selected (appears in an accordion expansion underneath the Fantasy Sports checkbox once you select it).

    • Click the Create App button.

    • Once the app is created, it should redirect you to a page for your app, which will show both a Client ID and a Client Secret.

    • Copy the file EXAMPLE-private.json (located in the auth/yahoo/ directory), and rename the file copy private.json, then copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret values from your above created Yahoo app to their respective fields (make sure the strings are wrapped regular quotes (""), NOT formatted quotes (“”)). The path to this file will be needed to point the YFPY API wrapper responsible for data retrieval to your credentials.

    • The first time you run the app, it will initialize the OAuth connection between the report generator and your Yahoo account.

  • NOTE: *If your Yahoo league uses FAAB (Free Agent Acquisition Budget) for player waivers, you must set the initial_faab_budget value in the config.ini file to reflect your league's starting budget, since this information does not seem to be available in the Yahoo API.

  • You are now ready to generate a report!

Fleaflicker Setup

Fleaflicker recently implemented a public API, but at the present time it is undocumented and subject to unexpected and sudden changes. Please note, some of the data required to provide certain information to the report is not currently available in the Sleeper API, so for the time being web-scraping is used to supplement the data gathered from the Fleaflicker API.

  • Retrieve your Fleaflicker league ID. You can find it by looking at the URL of your league in your browser:


  • Change the league_id value in config.ini to the above located league id.

  • Make sure that you have accurately set the season configuration value in the config.ini file to reflect the desired year/season for which you are running the report application. This will ensure that the location of locally saved data is correct and API requests are properly formed.

  • You can also specify the year from the command line by running the report with the -y <chosen_year> flag.

  • Fleaflicker does not require any authentication to access their API at this time, so no additional steps are necessary.

  • You are now ready to generate a report!

Sleeper Setup

Sleeper has a public API, the documentation for which is available here. The Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report application uses this API to retrieve the necessary data to generate reports. Please note, some of the data required to provide certain information to the report is not currently available in the Sleeper API, so a few small things are excluded in the report until such a time as the data becomes available. That being said, the missing data does not fundamentally limit the capability of the app to generate a complete report.

  • Retrieve your Sleeper league ID. You can find it by looking at the URL of your league in your browser:


  • Change the league_id value in config.ini to the above located league id.

  • Make sure that you have accurately set the current_week configuration value in the config.ini file to reflect the current/ongoing NFL week at the time of running the report. This is required for the Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report app to run correctly!

  • Sleeper does not require any authentication to access their API at this time, so no additional steps are necessary.

  • You are now ready to generate a report!

ESPN Setup

ESPN has a public API, but it was just changed from v2 to v3, which introduced some variance to its functionality. At the present time it is also undocumented and subject to unexpected and sudden changes. Please note, some of the data required to provide certain information to the report is not currently available in the ESPN API, so a few small things are excluded in the report until such a time as the data becomes available. That being said, the missing data does not fundamentally limit the capability of the app to generate a complete report.

  • Retrieve your ESPN league ID. You can find it by looking at the URL of your league in your browser:


  • Change the league_id value in config.ini to the above located league id.

  • Make sure that you have accurately set the season configuration value in the config.ini file to reflect the desired year/season for which you are running the report application. This will ensure that the location of locally saved data is correct and API requests are properly formed.

  • You can also specify the year from the command line by running the report with the -y <chosen_year> flag.

  • Public ESPN leagues do not require any authentication to access their API at this time, so no additional steps are necessary for those leagues. However, certain data will not be available if you are not authenticated, so it is advised for you to still follow the below authentication steps anyway. For private leagues, you must complete the following authentication steps:

    • Steven Morse has done a great deal of fantastic work to help teach people how to use the ESPN fantasy API, and has a useful blog post here detailing how to get your own session cookies. As stated in the aforementioned blog, you can get the cookies by doing the following:

      • "A lot of the ESPN Fantasy tools are behind a login-wall. Since accounts are free, this is not a huge deal, but becomes slightly annoying for GET requests because now we somehow need to “login” through the request. One way to do this is to send session cookies along with the request. Again this can take us into a gray area, but to my knowledge there is nothing prohibited about using your own cookies for personal use within your own league.

        Specifically, our GET request from the previous post is modified to look like, for example:

          r = requests.get('', 
           params={'leagueId': 123456, 'seasonId': 2017, 'matchupPeriodId': 1},
           cookies={'swid': '{SWID-COOKIE-HERE}',
           		  'espn_s2': 'LONG_ESPN_S2_COOKIE_HERE'})

        This should return the info you want even for a private league. I saw that the SWID and the ESPN_S2 cookies were the magic tickets based on the similar coding endeavors here and here and here.

        You can find these cookies in Safari by opening the Storage tab of Developer tools (you can turn on developer tools in preferences), and looking under in the Cookies folder. In Chrome, you can go to Preferences -> Advanced -> Content Settings -> Cookies -> See all cookies and site data, and looking for ESPN.

    • Depending on what web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Brave, etc.) you are using, the process for viewing your session cookies in the web inspector will be different. I recommend Googling "how to inspect element in [browser]" (for your specific browser) to learn how to use that browser's web inspector.

    • Copy the file EXAMPLE-private.json (located in the auth/espn/ directory), and rename the file copy private.json, then copy and paste the above cookies into their respective fields. Please note, the swid will be surrounded by curly braces ({...}), which must be included.

  • NOTE: *Because ESPN made the change to their API between 2018 and 2019, ESPN support in the Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report application is currently limited to the 2019 season and later. Support for historical seasons will be implemented at a later time.

  • You are now ready to generate a report!

Running the Report Application

  • If you are running on macOS, see below!

  • If you followed the setup instructions and set up the application to run in a virtual environment, once you have navigated to the project directory, you MUST run

    workon fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report

    before running the report EVERY TIME you open a new command line prompt to run the application!

  • Make sure you have updated the default league ID (league_id value) in the config.ini file to your own league id. Please see the respective setup instructions for your chosen platform for directions on how to find your league ID.

  • Run python You should see the following prompts:

    • Generate report for default league? (y/n) -> .

      Type y and hit enter.

    • Generate report for default week? (y/n) ->.

      Type y and hit enter.

    • The FIRST time you run the app, a browser window will automatically open, and if you correctly followed the instructions in the Report Setup section, you should see a verifier code (something like w6nwjvz).

    • Copy the above verifier code and return to the command line window, where you should now see the following prompt:

      Enter verifier :

      Paste the verifier code there and hit enter.

    • Assuming the above went as expected, the application should now generate a report for your fantasy league for the selected NFL week.

NOTE: You can also specify a large number of configuration options directly in the command line. Please see the usage section for more information.

macOS Launch Script

If you are running on macOS, there is an additional bash script available in the project, run_in_virtualenv.command. This script allows you to double-click it and run the app in a new Terminal window. It REQUIRES you to have completed all steps in Setup, and also the above steps in Running the Report Application, with the exception of running the workon command or the python command. Instead, do the following:

  • Right click on run_in_virtualenv.command and select Open With, then select TextEdit.

  • Modify the path you find in the script after cd to point to wherever you cloned the application. You can either use the absolute path (something like /Users/username/Projects/fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report), or a shortcut to your home directory (~), like ~/Documents/fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report).

  • Move run_in_virtualenv.command wherever you wish it to be for easy access.

  • You can now double-click run_in_virtualenv.command and it will open a new Terminal window and run the application! If that fails, you may need to change the permissions on run_in_virtualenv.command. You can do that as follows:

    • Open a Terminal window.

    • Run cd path/to/wherever/you/put/run_in_virtualenv.command

    • Run chmod +x run_in_virtualenv.command

    • If you get a permissions error after running the chmod command, you may need to run it as an administrator:

      sudo chmod +x run_in_virtualenv.command

      And then put in your password to allow the operating system to modify the permissions on run_in_virtualenv.command.

    • NOW you should be able to double-click run_in_virtualenv.command to launch the application!


The Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report application allows certain aspects of the generated report to be configured with a .ini file. Included in the repository is EXAMPLE-config.ini, containing default values, as well as league settings that point to a public Yahoo league as a "demo" of the app.

The app REQUIRES that config.ini be present, so you will need to rename EXAMPLE-config.ini to just config.ini. Then update the values to reflect the league for which you wish to generate a report, as well as any other settings you wish to change from the default values.

Report Features

For those of you who wish to configure the report to include a custom subset of the available features (for instance, if you want league stats but not team pages, or if you want score rankings but not coaching efficiency), the Report section in the config file allows all features to be turned on or off. You must use a boolean value (True or False) to turn on/off any of the available report features, which are the following:

league_standings = True
league_playoff_probs = True
league_power_rankings = True
league_z_score_rankings = True
league_score_rankings = True
league_coaching_efficiency_rankings = True
league_luck_rankings = True
league_weekly_top_scorers = True
league_weekly_highest_ce = True
league_bad_boy_rankings = True
league_beef_rankings = True
report_time_series_charts = True
report_team_stats = True
team_points_by_position_charts = True
team_bad_boy_stats = True
team_beef_stats = True
team_boom_or_bust = True

Report Formatting

The report can also have some of its visual formatting configured. The following formatting options are available:

font = helvetica
font_size = 12

The values seen in the supported_fonts configuration option are the currently supported fonts for the app.

The player headshots retrieved for individual team pages can come in varying resolutions, and when they are extremely high resolution, they can inflate the size of the report PDF. In order to allow the user to reduce the size of the final report PDF if desired, the following option is available:

image_quality = 75

The default value for the image quality is 75%, allowing for a reasonable reduction in image size without sacrificing overall aesthetic quality. However, this value can be set on a scale of 0%-100%, depending on the preferences of the user.

Once the initial images have been retrieved and quality has been adjusted, the report will cache those images and continue to use those indefinitely until you delete the output/data/<YEAR>/<LEAGUE_ID>/week_<WEEK_#>/player_headshots for that week, since otherwise the images would continue to have their quality reduced until the headshots degraded entirely.

Report Settings

In addition to turning on/off the features of the report PDF itself, there are additional configuration options, which are as follows:

Option Description
platform Fantasy football platform for which you are generating a report.
supported_platforms Comma-delimited list of currently supported fantasy football platforms.
league_id The league id of the fantasy football for which you are running the report.
game_id Game id by season (see: Game Resource for Yahoo)
data_dir Directory where saved data is stored.
output_dir Directory where generated reports are created.
chosen_week Selected NFL season week for which to generate a report.
num_playoff_simulations Number of Monte Carlo simulations to run for playoff predictions. The more sims, the longer the report will take to generate.
bench_positions Comma-delimited list of available bench positions in your league.
prohibited_statuses Comma-delimited list of possible statuses in your league that indicate a player was not able to play (only needed if you plan to utilize the automated coaching efficiency disqualification functionality).
initial_faab_budget Set the initial FAAB (Free Agent Acquisition Budget) for Yahoo leagues, since this information does not seem to be exposed in the API.
num_teams Number of teams in selected league.
num_regular_season_weeks Number of regular season weeks in selected league.
num_playoff_slots Number of playoff slots in selected league.
num_playoff_slots_per_division Numbers of teams per division that qualify for the playoffs.
coaching_efficiency_disqualified_teams Teams manually DQed from coaching efficiency rankings (if any).
yahoo_auth_dir Directory where Yahoo OAuth accesses and stores credentials and refresh tokens.
google_drive_upload Turn on (True) or off (False) the Google Drive upload functionality.
google_auth_token Google OAuth refresh token.
google_drive_root_folder_name Online folder in Google Drive where reports are uploaded.
reupload_file File path of selected report that you wish to re-upload to Google Drive by running as a standalone script.
post_to_slack Turn on (True) or off (False) the Slack upload functionality.
slack_auth_token Slack authentication token.
post_or_file Choose whether you post a link to the generated report on Slack (set to post), or upload the report PDF itself to Slack (set to file).
slack_channel Selected Slack channel where reports are uploaded.
notify_channel Turn on (True) or off (False) using the @here slack tag to notify chosen Slack channel of a posted report file.
repost_file File path of selected report that you wish to repost to Slack.


After completing the above setup and configuration steps, you should now be able to simply run python to regenerate a report. The report generator script ( also supports several command line options that allow you to specify the following:

Flag Description
-h, --help Print command line usage message
-l, --fantasy-platform <platform> Fantasy football platform on which league for report is hosted.
-l --league-id <league_id> Fantasy Football league ID
-w --week <week> Chosen week for which to generate report
-g --game-id <game_id> Chosen fantasy game id for which to generate report. Defaults to "nfl", interpreted as the current season if using Yahoo.
-y, --year <year> Chosen year (season) of the league for which a report is being generated.
-s, --save-data Save all retrieved data locally for faster future report generation
-s, --refresh-web-data Refresh all web data from external APIs (such as bad boy and beef data)
-p, --playoff-prob-sims <int> Number of Monte Carlo playoff probability simulations to run."
-b, --break-ties Break ties in metric rankings
-q, --disqualify-ce Automatically disqualify teams ineligible for coaching efficiency metric
-d, --dev-offline Run OFFLINE (for development). Must have previously run report with -s option.
-t, --test Generate TEST report (for development)

Virtual Environment

When you are done working within the virtualenv, you can run deactivate within the environment to exit:

(fantasy-football-metrics) host-machine: fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report $ deactivate

When you wish to work within the virtualenv once more, do the following:

  • Run source ~/.bashrc

  • View virtualenvs that you have available: lsvirtualenv

  • Run workon fantasy-football-metrics-weekly-report (or whatever you named your virtual environment for the application).

Additional Integrations

The Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report application also supports several additional integrations if you choose to utilize them. Currently it is capable of uploading your generated reports to Google Drive, and also directly posting your generated reports to the Slack Messenger app.

Google Drive Setup

The Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report application includes Google Drive integration, allowing your generated reports to be uploaded and stored in Google Drive, making it easy to share the report with all league members.

The following setup steps are required in order to allow the Google Drive integration to function properly:

  • Log in to your Google account (or make one if you don't have one).

  • Create a new project in the Google Developers Console.

  • Accept the terms & conditions.

  • Name your project, something like ff-report-drive-uploader, but it can be anything you like.

  • Click "CREATE".

  • It will take a few moments for the project to be created, but once it is there will be a notification.

  • Go to the Google Developers Console.

  • Your new project should automatically load in the dashboard, but in the event it does not or you have other projects (a different project might load by default), click the project name on the top left of the page (to the right of where it says "Google APIs"), and select your new project.

  • Either click the + ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES button on the top of the page, or select "Library" from the menu on the left, search for "Google Drive API", and click "Google Drive API" when it comes up.

  • Click ENABLE.

  • After a moment it will be enabled. Click "Credentials" from the left menu and then click "Create Credentials".

  • From the menu that drops down, select "OAuth client ID".

  • Click on "Configure Consent Screen".

  • Put yff-report-drive-uploader in Application name.

  • Click Add Scope, check the box next to the ../auth/drive scope, and click ADD.

  • Click SAVE at the bottom of the screen.

  • Now go click "Credentials" again from the left menu and then click "Create Credentials", then select "OAuth client ID".

  • Select "Other" from the radio buttons, and put yff-report-drive-uploader-client-id.

  • Click "Create".

  • A popup with your client ID and client secret will appear. Click "OK".

  • On the far right of your new credential, click the little arrow that displays "Download JSON" when you hover over it.

  • Your credentials JSON file will download. Rename it credentials.json, and put it in the auth/google/ directory where EXAMPLE-credentials.json is located.

  • Open a terminal window and run python resources/

  • A browser window will open asking you to either select a Google account to log into (if you have multiple) or log in. Select your account/login.

  • A warning screen will appear saying "This app isn't verified". Click "Advanced" and then "Go to yff-report-drive-uploader (unsafe)" (this screen may vary depending on your web browser, but the point is you need to proceed past the warning).

  • On the next screen, a popup saying "Grant yff-report-drive-uploader permission" will appear. Click "Allow", then "Allow" again on the following "Confirm your choices" screen.

  • You will see a screen that says only "The authentication flow has completed.", which you can close.

  • Go back to your terminal window where you ran python resources/ It should have printed "Authentication successful.", as well as a list of 10 files in your Google Drive to confirm it can access your drive. It will also have automatically generated a token.json file in auth/google/, which you should just leave where it is and do NOT edit or modify in any way!

  • You can now upload your reports to Google Drive, either by changing the value of google_drive_upload to True in config.ini, or by setting the value of reupload_file in config.ini to the filepath of the report you wish to upload, opening a Terminal window, and running python integrations/

Slack Setup

The Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report application includes integration with the poplular personal and business chat app Slack, allowing your generated reports (or links to where they are stored on Google Drive) to be uploaded directly to Slack, making it easy to share the report with all league members.

The following setup steps are required in order to allow the Slack integration to function properly:

  • Sign in to your slack workspace here.

  • Once logged in, you need to create a new app for your workspace.

  • After the popup appears, fill in the fields as follows:

    • App Name: ff-report (this name can be anything you want)

    • Development Slack Workspace: Select your chosen Slack workspace from the dropdown menu.

  • Click Create App. You should now be taken to the page for your new app, where you can configure things like the app title card color, the icon, the description, as well as a whole host of other features (see here for more information).

  • Select Basic Information from the menu on the left.

  • Scroll down to Display Information and set up your Slack app with whatever display settings you want.

  • Scroll up to Building Apps for Slack and click Bots.

  • You will be taken to the App Home section of the menu on the left.

  • Click the Review Scopes to Add button.

  • You will be taken to the OAuth & Permissions section of the menu on the left.

  • Scroll down to Scopes.

  • Under Bot Token Scopes, click the Add an OAuth Scope button.

  • From the dropdown menu, select the below scopes:

OAuth Scope Description
channels:read View basic information about public channels in the workspace
chat:write Send messages as @ff-report
chat:write.customize Send messages as @ff-report with a customized username and avatar
chat:write.public Send messages to channels @ff-report isn't a member of
files:write Upload, edit, and delete files as ff-report
groups:read View basic information about private channels that ff-report has been added to
im:read View basic information about direct messages that ff-report has been added to
incoming-webhook Post messages to specific channels in Slack
mpim:read View basic information about group direct messages that ff-report has been added to
  • Scroll back up to OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs, and now you should be able to click the Install App to Workspace button, so click it.

  • You will be redirected to a screen saying your app is asking for permission to access the Slack workspace, and presenting you with a dropdown to select a channel for your app to post to. Select your desired channel, and hit Allow.

  • You will now be redirected back to the OAuth & Permissions section of your app settings. At the top, you will see a Bot User OAuth Access Token field, which will now have a value populated.

  • Copy the file EXAMPLE-token.json (located in the auth/slack/ directory), and rename the file copy token.json, then copy and paste the above Bot user OAuth Access Token into the field value of token.json where it says "SLACK_APP_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_STRING", replacing that string. Make sure you are using douple quotes (") on either side of your token string.

  • You can now upload your reports to Slack, either by updating the following values in config.ini:

    • post_to_slack = True

    • slack_channel = channel-name (this can be set to whichever channel you wish to post (as long as the user who created the app has access to that channel)

    Or by setting the value of repost_file in config.ini to the filepath of the report you wish to upload, opening a Terminal window, and running python integrations/



In addition to printing output from the application to the commadn line, the Fantasy Football Metrics Weekly Report also logs all of the same output to out.log, which you can view at any time to see output from past runs of the application.


Occasionally when you use the Yahoo fantasy football API, there are hangups on the other end that can cause data not to transmit, and you might encounter an error similar to this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 114, in <module>
    var =
  File "/Users/your_username/PATH/T0/LOCAL/PROJECT/", line 429, in run
    for team in team_standings:
IndexError: list index out of range

Typically when the above error (or a similar error) occurs, it simply means that one of the Yahoo Fantasy Football API calls failed and so no data was retrieved. This can be fixed by simply re-running data query.


Command line application to create weekly reports (containing stats, metrics, and rankings) for Fantasy Football leagues on the following platforms: Yahoo, Fleaflicker, Sleeper, ESPN.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 98.2%Language:Shell 1.8%