intoeetive / social_update

Social Update for ExpressionEngine 2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Social Update for ExpressionEngine 2

Social Update allows you to send customized update to Twitter / Facebook when entry is published.

The update is being sent to social accounts pre-authorized in Control Panel. It can be user’s wall or company page.

The update is sent when entry goes live with defined status (‘open’ by default). Entry date is respected. Scheduled posting is possible.

The text of update can be entered in Control Panel or SafeCracker. The link to the entry is included automatically (based on entry_id, url_title or built with Pages/Structure module) and also can be manually entered. It is also shortened when needed so.

Previously sent updates are saved and can be displayed with the entry using template tags.

You can authorize as many social accounts as you need, and include multiple Social Update fields with the entry. The fields for posting can also be added to Matrix row.

If you need updates to be sent not only upon entry publishing, but upon any event on site, consider Social Updates for Postmaster supplementary add-on.

If you need a way to send automatic updates to logged in user’s social account (without entering text), consider Social Login Pro.

To give people a tool to share their custom updates on social networks (to their own account and without submitting an entry), use Status Updates together with Social Login Pro.


Social Update for ExpressionEngine 2