intangere / dissent

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An intermediate language that outputs valid Dis code.

What is Dis?

Dis is a mitigated variant of Malbolge. Consequently and sadly, the interest in Dis by the community seems to be low.



  • Shift (>) and Subtract (|) automatically calculates, moves internal d pointer, and inserts the instructions to set the d pointer where you need it
  • JUMP (^) has an internal code pointer so placeholder values are no longer needed
  • Special operators to make life easier
    • Move d to a location >= 33 via a goto like operation
    • Validate d is where you want it to be after an operation
    • Set values used for operations manually
    • Macro operator to store operations under a name
  • Randomize generated placeholders for partial program obfuscation via --fill-random
  • Set placeholders to pipes via --fill-lines
  • Sets placeholders to no-ops by default

Why should I use this?

Writing in Dis is extremely annoying. Feel free to try it.

What does this not do?

You still need to chain the | and > operators together and figure out what values you need to produce the values you want :) This still requires a decent amount of thought to produce something useful but does simplify the process.


I may write a standard library with macros that inserts the values you want at certain memory locations which would make writing programs incredibly simpler.


OP Description Dis Equivalent
SET_D Sets the data pointer to the value stored at d *
SET int, int Set a value in memory at integer 1 to the value of integer 2. Should only be used to setup the memory you need for subsequent operations. Integer 2 is only allowed to be one of Dis operators Setting placeholder values by hand directly in code
EXIT Insert a exclamation point at the current location in memory. If it is read, the program will exit !
SHIFT [int] Shift the value at d to the right by 1 at the current data pointer d. If a integer is specified > 33, the assembler will insert code to jump to that memory location and insert the > operator. The pointer a is also set to the shifted value. >
SUB [int] Trinary subtraction without borrow between pointer a and data pointer d. As with SHIFT, the assembler will jump the data pointer to the integer given, then execute the subtraction. |
JUMP Set code pointer c to the value pointed to by data pointer d. The internal code pointer is adjusted so placeholder values are automatically handled and should not be manually inserted. ^
IS_D int Validates that the data pointer d is at the expected location otherwise an error is thrown None
IS_C int Validates that the code pointer c is at the expected location otherwise an error is thrown None
IS_A int Validates that the pointer a is the value we expect it to be otherwise an error is thrown None
A_OUT Output the pointer a to stdout {
IN Get one character from stdin and store it in a }
MACRO [name] [code body] END_MACRO Create a set of code that can be called by name None
; [comment here] Everything after the semi-colon is a comment and is ignored (comment here)
ISHIFT Inefficent operator to put the value of d into a by calling SHIFT d 10 times i.e *__> 10 times


See examples/


Format: python3 <file name> --[options]
Example: python3 examples/999.code --fill-random

Running Dis Code

You can use my interpreter at

python3 example.dis

Or you can use the original interpreter from

gcc dis.c
./a.out example.dis




  • GOTO operator does not support jumping to locations below 34, although this is intended
  • This is easily proven through the use of IS_D. IS_D 33 and below will always fail
  • If you have a 0 at some [d], you can goto that location and SET_D to jump the data pointer d lower than 33
  • Make sure to define your data that operations need at the start of the program. Otherwise you will encounter undefined behavior due to the partial execution
  • The assembler will not prevent you from writing invalid code that may get stuck looping, but by using IS_D and IS_C you can prevent the code pointer and data pointer from being at an unexpected place


  • The easiest way to create a "memory/data space" is to jump the code pointer further into memory so that any value under where you jump to can be modified for operations. Then make data pointer d loop constantly under that value. So you can jump c to 42 and keep d looping 33-42 or jump c to 95 and keep d looping 33-95 but more efficently 33-42+
  • To put a value from d into a efficiently, pick a location in the "data space" and double subtract it to get a 0 at both [d] and a. Whenever you need the 0 in a, just shift that value since shifting 0 remains 0 and places it into a. If you need it at d just GOTO that cell


  • IS_A does not work as partial code execution would have to take place
  • Macros do not take arguments yet



Language:Python 100.0%