intangere / FastAPI-Auth-Example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


First clone the repository as usual:

git clone

Put it in a directory and then add a parent directory. For example:

- > Auth_Parent
  - > Auth_Example
    - > <unpacked repo here>

Second edit and set the following values

DATABASE_URL = 'sqlite:///./users.db' #Sqlite3 relative db url
MIN_PASSWORD_LEN = 8 #Minimum password length
USE_MSGPACK = False #Use msgpack over json if you prefer (experimental)
BRANCA_SECRET = '' #32 byte secret key (could be regenerated each time)
BRANCA_TTL = 3600 #How long do you want the user to stay logged in for

Then from the parent directory you can run the app with something like:

uvicorn Auth_Example.main:app --host "" --port 8080

The database should automatically be created when the app is ran.

Brief Overview

  • Login/register model: POST with username/password pair
  • Password hashing: Bcrypt for server-side password hashing
  • Authentication: Branca token via Authorization header
  • Request/Response format: JSON or Msgpack
  • Type/data validation using Pydantic



Language:Python 100.0%