instructure / gergich

Command-line tool for adding Gerrit comments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Gem Version Build Status

Gergich is a command-line tool (and ruby lib) for easily posting comments on a Gerrit review from a CI environment. It can be wired up to linters (rubocop, eslint, etc.) so that you can get nice inline comments right on the Gerrit review. That way developers don't have to go digging through CI logs to see why their builds failed.

How does it work?

Gergich maintains a little sqlite db of any draft comments/labels/etc. for the current patchset (defined by revision+ChangeId). This way different processes can all contribute to the review. For example, various linters add inline comments, and when the CI build finishes, Gergich publishes the review to Gerrit.


Because everything is synchronized/stored in a local sqlite db, you should only call Gergich from a single box/build per patchset unless you have a unique GERGICH_COMMENT_PREFIX set for each box/build per patchset. Gergich does a check when publishing to ensure he hasn't already posted on this patchset before (w/ the same GERGICH_COMMENT_PREFIX); if he has, publish will be a no-op. This protects against reposts (say, on a retrigger), but it does mean that you shouldn't have completely different builds posting Gergich comments on the same revision, unless you set up different credentials for each.


Add the following to your Gemfile (perhaps in your :test group?):

gem "gergich"

To use Gergich, you'll need a Gerrit user whose credentials it'll use (ideally not your own). With your shiny new username and password in hand, set GERGICH_USER and GERGICH_KEY accordingly in your CI environment.

Additionally, Gergich needs to know where your Gerrit installation lives, so be sure to set GERRIT_BASE_URL (e.g. or GERRIT_HOST (e.g.

Lastly, if you have no .git directory in CI land (say if you are building in docker and want to keep your images small), you also need to set GERRIT_CHANGE_ID and GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION. If you use Jenkins and the gerrit-trigger plugin, typcially all GERRIT_* vars will already be set, it's just a matter of plumbing them down to docker.


Run gergich help for detailed information about all supported commands. In your build scripts, you'll typically be using gergich comment, gergich capture and gergich publish. Comments are stored locally in a sqlite database until you publish. This way you can queue up comments from many disparate processes. Comments are published to HEAD's corresponding patchset in Gerrit (based on Change-Id + <sha>)

gergich comment <comment_data>

<comment_data> is a JSON object (or array of objects). Each comment object should have the following properties:

  • path - the relative file path, e.g. "app/models/user.rb"
  • position - either a number (line) or an object (range). If an object, must have the following numeric properties:
    • start_line
    • start_character
    • end_line
    • end_character
  • message - the text of the comment
  • severity - "info"|"warn"|"error" - this will automatically prefix the comment (e.g. "[ERROR] message here"), and the most severe comment will be used to determine the overall Code-Review score (0, -1, or -2 respectively)

Note that a cover message and Code-Review score will be inferred from the most severe comment.


gergich comment '{"path":"foo.rb","position":3,"severity":"error",
gergich comment '{"path":"bar.rb","severity":"warn",
gergich comment '[{"path":"baz.rb",...}, {...}, {...}]'

gergich capture <format> <command>

For common linting formats, gergich capture can be used to automatically do gergich comment calls so you don't have to wire it up yourself.

<format> - One of the following:

  • brakeman
  • rubocop
  • eslint
  • i18nliner
  • flake8
  • stylelint
  • yamllint
  • shellcheck - shellcheck json output
  • custom:<path>:<class_name> - file path and ruby class_name of a custom formatter.

<command> - The command to run whose output conforms to <format>. Output from the command will still go to STDOUT, and Gergich will preserve its exit status. If command is "-", Gergich will simply read from STDIN and the exit status will always be 0.

Custom formatters:

To create a custom formatter, create a class that implements a run method that takes a string of command output and returns an array of comment hashes (see gergich comment's <comment_data> format), e.g.

class MyFormatter
  def run(output)
    output.scan(/^Oh noes! (.+?):(\d+): (.*)$/).map do |file, line, error|
      { path: file, message: error, position: line.to_i, severity: "error" }


gergich capture rubocop "bundle exec rubocop"

gergich capture eslint eslint

gergich capture i18nliner "rake i18nliner:check"

gergich capture shellcheck "shellcheck --format json"

gergich capture custom:./gergich/xss:Gergich::XSS "node script/xsslint"

docker-compose run --rm web eslint | gergich capture eslint -
# you might be interested in $PIPESTATUS[0]

gergich publish

Publish all draft comments/labels/messages for this patchset. no-op if there are none.

The cover message and Code-Review label (e.g. -2) are inferred from the comments, but labels and messages may be manually set (via gergich message and gergich labels)

How do I test my changes?

Write tests of course, but also be sure to test it end-to-end via the CLI... Run gergich for a list of commands, as well as help for each command. There's also a citest thing that we run on our Jenkins that ensures each CLI command succeeds, but it doesn't test all branches for each command.

After running a given command, you can run gergich status to see the current draft of the review (what will be sent to Gerrit when you do gergich publish).

You can even do a test publish to Gerrit, if you have valid Gerrit credentials in GERGICH_USER / GERGICH_KEY. It infers the Gerrit patchset from the working directory, which may or may not correspond to something actually in Gerrit, so YMMV. That means you can post to a Gergich commit in Gerrit, or if you run it from another project's directory, you can post to its Gerrit revision.


Command-line tool for adding Gerrit comments

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 98.1%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%