inspectivejs / express-tracing-middleware

time request processing time at the function level in express applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tracing Middleware for Express Applications

NOTE: This module is not yet published, so you'll need to add this repo in your package.json to use it.

Tracing middleware for express applications. Uses a tryfer-like format for implementation of the data format for traces.

Usage Example

Take the program below for an example:

'use strict';

var app = require('express')()
  , tracing = require('express-tracing-middleware')
  , verifySession = require('./session.js');

var mw = tracing.getInstance({
  appId: '123456789012345678901212'

  new tracing.LogTracer({
    maxNameLength: 14, // Truncate any span details longer than 14 chars


app.get('/*', function (req, res, next) {

  // This will wrap an asynchronous function in a light wrapper to time it.
  // The function will work just like you'd expect, but it gets timed
  var timedSession = req.trace.tracify(verifySession);

  timedSession(function (err) {
    if (err) {
    } else {


Hitting http://localhost:3000/any-url-you-like will print the following in the console:

====== Trace Start ======
GET: /any-url-you-like

[2016-03-24T22:33:45.954Z] - event      - server-receive -
[2016-03-24T22:33:45.956Z] - span-start - verifySession  -
[2016-03-24T22:33:45.991Z] - span-end   - verifySession  -
[2016-03-24T22:33:45.996Z] - event      - server-send    -
====== Trace End ======

Moar Examples!?

Check out the examples folder for the code. Or run them using the below commands from the root of the project.

Simple Example

This example simply runs an express app and manually traces a function.

npm run simple-example

Now hit http://localhost:3000/something and checkout what your terminal displays.

Complex Example

This example uses node.js domains to trace function that are nested in other files so we can track all stages of request processing.

npm run example

Now hit http://localhost:3000/something and checkout what your terminal displays.

Anatomy of a Trace

Each incoming request will have a trace property attached by the middleware. The trace is used to record request events/timing. A trace is the life of a request, represented using an Object that contains a series of spans.


Spans are also Objects, and they represent the execution time of a function, or a one time event that occurs during the execution of a function.

Spans contain events of three types:

  • event - A generic event you'd like to record.
  • span-start - The start of this span (execution started).
  • span-end - The end of this span (execution ended).

Each span can also have a name associated with it. Typically this will be the name of the function being timed, but might also be server-receive or server-send which are auto generated events when a request is received and responded to respectively.



module.getInstance (params)

Returns an instance of the tracing module. Params should be an Object that can contain:

  • appId - Required. An ID for this (micro)service so we the trace receiver can identify it
  • sanatizeUrl - Optional. Function that can be used to alter the URL before it's sent to the tracer. Should accept, and return, a String (req.url)
  • sanatizeHeaders - Optional. Function that can be used to alter the headers before they're sent to the tracer. It should accept, and return, an Object (req.headers)


Returns the trace that is relevant for the current request being processed. To use this you must add domains to your express application and ensure the IncomingRequest (the req Object) is the first in the members list of the domain. The easiest way to accomplish this is to add express-domain-middleware to your application as shown in the examples/example.js file.


The FHLog instance being used by this module, can be used to enable logs.


A tracer that can send traces to a FeedHenry mBaaS. Must be passed an Object containing the keys:

  • fh - An fh-mbaas-api instance.
  • guid - An AppID for the mBaaS you want to send traces to.


Tracer that prints traces to stdout.


Tracer that sends traces to an endpoint. The endpoint is of the format {ENDPOINT}/trace e.g Options required:

  • url - The host to send traces to
  • timeout - Time in ms to wait before the request will timeout



A store that can be used to add tracers. Tracers are used to write traces to an output, e.g stdout, a database, or an API.


Add a new tracer.


Get currently added tracers


Create a trace object. This is how req.trace is created for you.


This is the express middleware function that can be mounted using app.use(instance.middleware).


time request processing time at the function level in express applications

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%