insberr / argument-parser

Discord bot command argument parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is no longer needed because discord implemented slash commands


Discord bot command argument parser since none exist.
This project may become useless for Discord bots since the new slash commands feature.

This was originally made for Discord bots, however it could be used for anything.
The basic concept is as follows:

  • Input JSON for the format you expect to be inputted along with the input
  • Get an output of the input parsed in the way specified by the JSON

Documentation (Not created yet)

Requires Nodejs version 14.15.3 or higher

Parser Example

Files for the examples can be found in /src/tests/

This example can be found in /src/tests/Parser
Bot file (Usually the index.js file)

// Discord.js
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();

// Argument parser
const { Parser } = require('djs-argument-parser');
const parser = new Parser(client, {
  prefix: '!' // Default prefix (optional)

const prefix = parser.prefix;

client.on('ready', () => {
  console.log('Bot Ready as ', client.user.username);

client.on('message', async (msg) => {
  if ( return;
  if (!msg.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
  // Require the command (In this case the test command)
  let Command = require(`./commands/test.js`);
  let command = new Command();
  let { cmdConfig } = command;
    parser.parse(message, commandConfig, prefix?)
	prefix -> useful if you have custom guild prefixes. If no prefix is defined, the default prefix (above) will be used.
  	Example: input message -> '!test edit no true'
  let parsed = await parser.parse(msg, cmdConfig).then((value)   => value);
  let { args, error, other } = parsed;
  	  "error": false,
  	  "args": {
  		"configAction": "edit",
  		"configOption": "no",
  		"setting": true
  	  "other": {
  		"cmd": "test",
  		"prefix": "!"
  // run the command
  await, args, error, other, parsed);


The /src/Parser/commands/test.js file:

module.exports = class Test {

	constructor() {
		this.cmdConfig = {
			name: 'test', // Command name (required)
			aliases: ['testing'], // Aliases (other uses for the command) (optional)
			description: 'Test the parser',
			useage: 'action option setting value',
			args: [
					key: 'configAction',
					type: 'string',
					options: ['edit', 'reset', 'show'],
					required: true
					key: 'configOption',
					type: 'string',
					options: ['guild', 'user', 'bot', 'all'],
					required: true
					key: 'setting',
					type: 'bool'


	//  msg, args (named as they key), error, other (has stuff like the prefix used, command and more), parsed (parsed full contents)
	async run(msg, { configAction, configOption, setting }, error, other, parsed) {
		if (error) {;
			return console.log(`ERROR: ${error}\nParsed: ${parsed}`);
		await`Action: ${configAction}\nOption: ${configOption}\nSetting: ${setting}\nOther: ${JSON.stringify(other)}`);




argument-parser is released under the MIT License. Read here for more information.


Discord bot command argument parser

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%