inpla / train

Translator of a functional language to interaction nets (Inpla notation)

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Translator of a functional language to interaction nets.

  • The current version is 0.2.4, released on 18 Feb 2024. (See for details.)

Getting Started

  • Requirement

    • gcc (>= 4.0), flex, bison
  • Build

    Use make command as follows (the symbol $ means a shell prompt):

    $ make

How to Execute

Interactive mode

  • Train starts in the interactive mode by typing the following command (where the symbol $ is a shell prompt):

     $ ./train
  • The symbol >>> is a prompt from Train. After the prompt you can write rules of the new language. We need the delimiter ; at the end of a rule.

    >>> inc Z = S(Z);
    inc(r0) >< Z =>
    >>> inc S(x) = S(inc x);
    inc(r0) >< S(x) =>
        inc(w0)~x, r0~S(w0);
  • To quit this system, use :q or :quit command:

    >>> :q

Batch mode

  • Train also has the batch mode in which a file is evaluated. This is available when invoked with an execution option -f filename. There are some sample files in the sample folder. Here is one of these:
Fibonacci number
  • Sample file: sample/standard/fibonacci.txt

    -- definitions
    fib Z = Z;
    fib S(x) = fibS x;
    fibS Z = S(Z);
    fibS S(x) = add(fib x1, fibS x2) { Dup(x1,x2)~x };
    add (Z,x) = x;
    add (S(y),x) = S(add(x,y));
    -- main
    main = fib S(S(S(S(S(S(Z))))));
    • Execution:

      $ ./train -f sample/standard/fibonacci.txt
      fib(r0) >< Z =>
      fib(r0) >< S(x) =>
      fibS(r0) >< Z =>
      fibS(r0) >< S(x) =>
          fibS(w0)~x2, fib(w1)~x1, add(r0, w0)~w1,
           Dup(x1,x2)~x ;
      add(r0, x) >< Z =>
      add(r0, x) >< S(y) =>
          add(w0, y)~x, r0~S(w0);

      If you have Inpla, which is an interaction nets evaluator, this result is executed as follows:

      $ ./train -f sample/standard/fibonacci.txt | <path_to_inpla>/inpla
      Inpla 0.11.0 : Interaction nets as a programming language [built: 13 May 2023]
      (91 interactions, 0.00 sec)


  • Expressions: An expression e is defined by the following syntax where elist is a list of expressions and xlist is a list of variables:

    <expression> ::= x 
                   | C <elist>
                   | f <elist>
                   | let <xlist> = <elist> in <elist>
                   | (e)
    <elist> ::= e
              | (e1,...,en)
    <xlist> ::= x
              | (x1,...,xm)
         - x, x1,...,xm are distinct variables,
         - e, e1,...,en are expressions.
         - C is a constructor symbol,
         - f is a function symbol.
  • Function definitions: This is a constructor system where, in function applications, pattern matching only takes place on the first argument. The matching depth is one. The definition of a function f of (n+1)-arguments for a constructor C is written according to the following funcdef syntax:

    <funcdef> ::= f (C xlist, y1,...,yn) = elist;
        - y1,...,yn are distinct variables,
        - xlist is a list of variables,
        - elist is a list of expressions,
        - C is a constructor symbol,
        - each variable in xlist and y1,...,yn
          must occur once in elist.
  • Symbols of constructors and functions:

    • Strings beginning with a capital letter, such as S, Z, Cons, Nil are recognised as constructors.
    • For functions, use strings that begin with a lowercase letter, such as foo, inc, add, dup.
  • Main program: The main program is written in the following way:

    main = elist;
        where elist is a list of expressions.

The following is an example of addition on unary numbers. The given function definitions are translated into interaction nets descriptions, where these follow Inpla syntax:

>>> add(Z,x) = x;
add(r0, x) >< Z =>
>>> add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y));
add(r0, y) >< S(x) =>
    add(w0, y)~x, r0~S(w0);
>>> add(S(x),y) = add(x,S(y));
add(r0, y) >< S(x) =>
    add(r0, S(y))~x;
>>> main = add(S(S(Z)), S(S(S(Z))));
add(main, S(S(S(Z))))~S(S(Z));

For example, the following is a program of the addition (where -- is a comment)

-- rules
add(Z,x) = x;
add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y));

-- main
main = add(S(S(S(Z))), S(Z));


  • With inpla notation (duplication of unary numbers): We can include Inpla notation by using braces { and }:

    >>> dup Z = (a,b) { Dup(a,b)~Z };
    dup(r0, r1) >< Z =>
        r0~a, r1~b,
         Dup(a,b)~Z ;

    Of course, this example can be written without the extension:

    >>> dup Z = (Z,Z);
    dup(r0, r1) >< Z =>
        r0~Z, r1~Z;
    >>> dup S(x) = let (w1,w2) = dup x in (S(w1), S(w2));
    dup(r0, r1) >< S(x) =>
        r0~S(w1), r1~S(w2), dup(w1, w2)~x;
  • Attributes: We can attach attributes (integers) to functions and constructors by using dot .. On the right hand side, we can also attach arithmetic expressions on attributes:

    >>> inc Int.x = Int.(x+1);
    inc(r0) >< Int(int x) =>
    >>> add (Int.x, y) = add2.x y;
    add(r0, y) >< Int(int x) =>
        add2(r0, x)~y;
    >>> add2.x Int.y = Int.(x+y);
    add2(r0, int x) >< Int(int y) =>
  • Conditional branches: if-then-else is available on the attributes when defining functions:

    <funcdef> ::= f (C xlist, y1,...,yn) = elist;
                | <if-then-else>;
    <if-then-else> ::= if <expression on attributes> then <elist> else <elist>;

    The following is an example:

    >>> foo Int.x = if x==1 then Int.x+1 else if x==2 then Int.x+10 else Int.x+100;
    foo(r0) >< Int(int x) =>
        if x==1 then r0~Int(x+1) else if x==2 then r0~Int(x+10) else r0~Int(x+100);

Sample programs

  • Append lists:

    -- definitions
    append ([], ys) = ys;
    append (x:xs,ys) = x:(append (xs,ys));
    -- main
    main = append([A,B,C], [D,E,F]);
  • GCD on attributes

    (* Sample in Python
     def gcd(a, b):
       if b==0: return a 
       else: return gcd(b, a%b)
    gcd Pair.(a,b) = 
      if b==0 then Int.a 
      else gcd Pair.(b, a%b);
    -- main
    main = gcd Pair.(14,21);  -- should be 7.


Copyright (c) 2023 Shinya Sato


Translator of a functional language to interaction nets (Inpla notation)

License:MIT License


Language:C 56.7%Language:Yacc 37.1%Language:Lex 4.6%Language:Makefile 1.6%