inkarkat / vim-camelcasemotion

Motion through CamelCaseWords and underscore_notation.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


by Ingo Karkat


Vim provides many built-in motions, e.g. to move to the next word, or end of the current word. Most programming languages use either CamelCase ("anIdentifier") or underscore_notation ("an_identifier") naming conventions for identifiers. The best way to navigate inside those identifiers using Vim built-in motions is the [count]f{char} motion, i.e. f{uppercase-char} or f_, respectively. But we can make this easier:

This plugin defines motions ,w ,b and ,e (similar to w b e), which do not move word-wise (forward/backward), but Camel-wise; i.e. to word boundaries and uppercase letters. The motions also work on underscore notation, where words are delimited by underscore ('_') characters. From here on, both CamelCase and underscore_notation entities are referred to as "words" (in double quotes). Just like with the regular motions, a [count] can be prepended to move over multiple "words" at once. Outside of "words" (e.g. in non-keyword characters like // or ;), the new motions move just like the regular motions.

Vim provides a built-in iw text object called 'inner word', which works in operator-pending and visual mode. Analog to that, this plugin defines inner "word" text objects i,w i,b and i,e, which select the "word" (or multiple "words" if a [count] is given) where the cursor is located.



  • CamelCaseComplete (vimscript #3915) provides insert mode completion that expands CamelCaseWords and underscore_words based on anchor characters for each word fragment.


  • mlessnau_case (vimscript #4641) provides sort-of text objects vic, dic, cic, but it seems to use a simplistic regexp for selection.
  • txtobj-underscore ( uses vim-textobj-user to define a_ and i_ text objects.
  • wordmotion (vimscript #5334) overrides the built-in motions or add prefixed variants that are quite similar to this plugin's, using regexp and search(). No text objects yet, and the implementation is more simplistic.
  • vim-wordmotion ( provides both motions and text objects, has customizable mappings and extra separator characters. Unlike most other implementations, it does not use complex regular expressions.
  • vim-smartword ( by default overrides the built-in word motions, but only stops at 'iskeyword' characters. It does not handle CamelCaseWords, though.



Use the new motions ,w ,b and ,e in normal mode, operator-pending mode
(cp. operator), and visual mode. For example, type bc,w to change "Camel"
in "CamelCase" to something else.


Given the following CamelCase identifiers in a source code fragment:

    set Script31337PathAndNameWithoutExtension11=%~dpn0
    set Script31337PathANDNameWITHOUTExtension11=%~dpn0

and the corresponding identifiers in underscore_notation:

    set script_31337_path_and_name_without_extension_11=%~dpn0

,w moves to ([x] is cursor position): [s]et, [s]cript, [3]1337, [p]ath, [a]nd, [n]ame, [w]ithout, [e]xtension, [1]1, [d]pn0, dpn[0], [s]et ,b moves to: [d]pn0, [1]1, [e]xtension, [w]ithout, ... ,e moves to: se[t], scrip[t], 3133[7], pat[h], an[d], nam[e], withou[t], extensio[n], 1[1], dpn[0]


i,w "inner "word" forward", select [count] "words", including the _ separator in underscore_notation i,b "inner "word" backward", select [count] "words" from the cursor position to the left, excluding the _ separator in underscore_notation i,e "inner to the end of "word"", select [count] "words", excluding the _ separator in underscore_notation

                Inside CamelWords, there is no difference between i,w
                and i,e. Unless [count] is larger than 1, i,b and
                i,e are identical.


Given the following identifier, with the cursor positioned at [x]:


v3i,w selects script_31337_path_and_[name_without_extension_]11 v3i,b selects script_31337_[path_and_name]_without_extension_11 v3i,e selects script_31337_path_and_[name_without_extension]_11 Instead of visual mode, you can also use c3i,w to change, d3i,w to delete, gU3i,w to upper-case, and so on.


All the normal word boundaries of the w, b, and e motions apply here as well: whitespace, sequences of keyword characters and non-keyword-characters. Boundaries between underscore_notation are defined by the "_" character. A new CamelWord starts with an uppercase letter ("Camel", "ACRONYM", "C####") or a number ("123", "42foo#bar").


The code is hosted in a Git repo at You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip" decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise, decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.

vim camelcasemotion*.vmb.gz
:so %

To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.


  • Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
  • ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.016 or higher (optional).


For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:

There's a special case dating back to vi that cw does not include the whitespace after a word; it works like ce. If you want the same special case for the c,w motion and ciw text object, define the following additional mapping:

nmap c,w c,e

Likewise, the iw text object does not include trailing whitespace. If you want the camelcasemotion text objects behave the same way, add:

" Must define the default mappings first in order to change them.
runtime plugin/camelcasemotion.vim
omap i,w i,e
xmap i,w i,e

If you're using different mappings (see below), you need to adapt the arguments, naturally.

By default, all mappings start with , (comma) as the map leader instead of using <Leader>. I personally find the default <Leader> key too far off the keyboard to be useful for custom motions (which also cannot be repeated via the . (dot) command, so they should be very fast to type repeatedly), but quite suitable for general, less frequently used custom mappings. To avoid losing the (rarely used) , mapping (which repeats latest f, t, F or T in opposite direction), you can remap it to ,,:

nnoremap ,, ,
xnoremap ,, ,
onoremap ,, ,

If you want to use different mappings, map your keys to the <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_? mapping targets before sourcing the script (e.g. in your vimrc). If you only want a few of the available mappings, you can completely turn off the creation of the default mappings via:

:let g:no_CamelCaseMotion_maps = 1

This saves you from mapping dummy keys to all unwanted mapping targets.

You can also do this selectively for either motions or text objects only.

EXAMPLE: Replace the default w, b and e mappings instead of defining additional mappings ,w, ,b and ,e :

map w <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w
map b <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b
map e <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e
sunmap w
sunmap b
sunmap e

In this case, you probably want to restore the special camelcasemotion-c,w behavior, too:

nmap cw ce

For consistency, the i_CTRL-W command probably should observe the word fragments, too. This is a simplistic attempt:

imap <C-w> <C-o>d<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie

But it fails when inside a word or with trailing whitespace. Therefore, the plugin provides a special mapping for this:

imap <C-w> <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_DeletePrevious

EXAMPLE: Replace default iw text-object and define analog ib and ie motions:

omap iw <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw
xmap iw <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw
omap ib <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ib
xmap ib <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ib
omap ie <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie
xmap ie <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie

In this case, you probably want to restore the special camelcasemotion-c,w behavior, too:

" Must define the default mappings first in order to change them.
runtime plugin/camelcasemotion.vim
omap iw ie
xmap iw ie


  • The c,w mapping includes the whitespace after the word, but built-in cw does not. This is a Vim special case that custom motions cannot replicate. Cp. cw


  • A degenerate CamelCaseWord containing '\U\u\d' (e.g. "MaP1Roblem") confuses the operator-pending and visual mode ,e mapping if 'selection' is not set to "exclusive". It'll skip "P" and select "P1" in one step. As a workaround, use ',w' instead of ',e'; those two mappings have the same effect inside CamelCaseWords, anyway.
  • When the Vim setting 'selection' is not set to "exclusive", a forward-backward combination in visual mode (e.g. 'v,w,b') selects one additional character to the left, instead of only the character where the motion started. Likewise, extension of the visual selection from the front end is off by one additional character.
  • A repeat (via .) of the operator-pending mapping loses the previously given [count], and operates on just one fragment.


  • Make separator character (currently underscore) configurable so that dashes, asterisks, etc. can be added as well. Idea is to replace the single /_/ with a collection /[-_*]/ built from g:CamelCaseMotion_SeparatorCharacters. Check out interference with containment in 'iskeyword' and think through need to buffer-local setting. (Submitted anonymously 13-Nov-2010 on Vim Tips Wiki.)
  • Replace complex and indecipherable search regexps with a state machine that moves from character to character, in the hope that it will actually be understandable, and may eventually even be turned into a C implementation that goes into Vim core.
  • Except for some special cases in camelcasemotion#Motion(), couldn't we use the CountJump plugin and just supply a:Move() as the jump function?


Report any bugs, send patches, or suggest features via the issue tracker at or email (address below).


  • Many motion fixes due to enhanced test suite, most to support any keyword character in addition to lowercase letters.
  • Also handle move to the buffer's very last character in operator-pending mode "forward to end" motion.
  • BUG: Correct missing stop on ACRONYM at the end of a CamelCaseACRONYM. Reported by dlee at bkad/CamelCaseMotion#8
  • Add <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_DeletePrevious mapping for a special i_CTRL-W replacement that observes CamelCase and underscore_words. Thanks to Kartik Agaram for the suggestion.
  • Allow to disable all default mappings via g:no_CamelCaseMotion_maps. Here, it may make sense because some users may only want a subset of the mappings, and this saves them from defining a lot of dummy mappings. Also allow to do this selectively for either motions or text objects only.
  • Add optional dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433).
1.52 12-Nov-2011
  • FIX: Correct forward-to-end motion over lowercase part in "lowerCamel". Found this by chance in GitHub fork by Kevin Lee (bkad).
  • BUG: Correct wrong stop on second letter of ACRONYM at the beginning of a word "AXBCText".
  • The motion functionality is automatically tested via a runVimTests (vimscript #2565) test suite.
1.51 30-Sep-2011 (unreleased)
  • Use <silent> for <Plug> mapping instead of default mapping.
1.50 05-May-2009
  • Do not create mappings for select mode; according to Select-mode, printable character commands should delete the selection and insert the typed characters. Now using :xmap to only target visual mode.
  • Moved functions from plugin to separate autoload script.
  • Split off documentation into separate help file. Now packaging as VimBall.
1.40 30-Jun-2008
  • BF: Now using :normal! to be independent from any user mappings. Thanks to Neil Walker for the patch.
1.40 19-May-2008
  • BF: Wrong forward motion stop at the second digit if a word starts with multiple numbers (e.g. 1234.56789). Thanks to Wasim Ahmed for reporting this.
1.40 24-Apr-2008
  • ENH: Added inner "word" text objects 'i,w' etc. that work analoguous to the built-in iw text object. Thanks to David Kotchan for this suggestion.
1.30 20-Apr-2008
  • The motions now also stop at non-keyword boundaries, just like the regular motions. This has no effect inside a CamelCaseWord or inside underscore_notation, but it makes the motions behave like the regular motions (which is important if you replace the default motions). Thanks to Mun Johl for reporting this.
1.30 09-Apr-2008
  • Allowing users to use mappings different than ,w ,b ,e by defining <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_? target mappings. This can even be used to replace the default 'w', 'b' and 'e' mappings, as suggested by Mun Johl.
  • Now requires VIM 7.0 or higher.
1.20 29-May-2007
  • ENH: The visual mode motions now also (mostly) work with the (default) setting 'set selection=inclusive', instead of selecting one character too much.
1.10 28-May-2007
  • Incorporated major improvements and simplifications done by Joseph Barker.
1.00 22-May-2007
  • First published version.
0.01 11-Oct-2005
  • Started development based on vimtip #1016 by Anthony Van Ham.

Copyright: (C) 2007-2022 Ingo Karkat - The VIM LICENSE applies to this plugin.

Maintainer: Ingo Karkat <>


Motion through CamelCaseWords and underscore_notation.


Language:Vim Script 100.0%