infu / internetbase-sql

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

InternetBase CaelumCore Sql Azle Plugin


npm i azle@0.16.3 internetbase-sql@0.16.3

Versions of azle and internetbase-sql need to be in sync. We are going to publish synced versions starting from 0.16.3.

npm i internetbase-sql
import { db, me } from "internetbase-sql";

Note: You may be unable to compile your Azle+SQL project on Mac. If you have problems, this Discord channel may help you out


A blast where you can check if SQL will get things done for you:

You may want to open up two canister functions and use Blast to create and populate your db like this:

let iclocal = icblast({local:true}); 
// if dfx replica is on a different ip, add local_host: ""
// if CORS won't let you connect, install CORS unblock Chrome extension
// and use the .raw Blast url

let can = await icblast("rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai");
await can.execute("CREATE TABLE .....").then(log)

Add this in your canister (remove later or put access control)

export function execute(q: string): nat32 {
  return db.execute(q);

export function query(q: string): string {
  let x;
  try {
    x = db.query(q);
  } catch (e) {
    return e as string
  return JSON.stringify(x);

Query and return Candid Record

type Category = Record<{
  id: nat32;
  name: text;
  parent_id: Opt<nat32>;
  image_url: Opt<text>;

export function get_categories(): Vec<Category> {
  return db.query<Category>(`SELECT id, name, parent_id,
   image_url FROM categories`);

Warning: Make sure the column names and count in your SQL query matches record fields, or you will get obscure errors.

For example, if your query asks for name_another in SELECT id, name_another, parent_id, image_url and your record expects name, it will throw error.

db.query_one<Order>(`SELECT service_id, prompt, buyer_id, seller_id,
 status, chat, rated, created_at, updated_at, price, completed_at
  FROM orders WHERE id = ?1 and score = ?2 and
   rating = ?3 LIMIT 1`, id, score, rating);

Warning: When you are passing parameters, you need to make sure the number of requested parameters with ?1 or ?2 or ?3 etc.. matches the count and type of passed parameters, or you will get obscure errors.

let [one, two, three] = db.query_tuple<[nat32, nat64, float64]>("SELECT id,
 score, rating FROM user WHERE principal = ?", me());

db.query_tuple will return array/(ts tuple) instead of object with field names.

Demo app



Language:Rust 91.0%Language:TypeScript 9.0%