incraigulous / jquery-ajax-form

Ajax based form processing. Parses JSON responses for common actions like redirects, DOM updates or alerts.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

jQuery Ajax Form

Ajax based form processing. Parses JSON responses for common actions like redirects, DOM updates or alerts. Requires class.js which is included in the bower_components folder if you're not using Bower.

Json responses are parsed with Json Processor, allowing you to manipulate dom elements via keyword hooks in ajax responses. Check out the Json Processor Readme for documentation.

##Demo Check out the demo here:

##How to use it Instantiate a new AjaxForm class and pass in your element. You can also pass an options object as your second parameter but this is optional.

        //All options are optional.
        new AjaxForm($('.ajax-form'), {
            dataType: 'text', //xml, json, script, html
            target: null, //If html datatype, selector to inject into
            callback: function(){}, //Fires after the request.
            context: null, //The first element that matches this selector will be a parameter of the callback function.
            complete: function(){}, //Fires on request completion.
            beforeSend: function(){} //Fires before request.

##How to install it Download or clone it from directly from Github or install via Bower:

bower install jquery-ajax-form


Ajax based form processing. Parses JSON responses for common actions like redirects, DOM updates or alerts.