inclusive-design / wp-a11y-theme

This is an accessible Wordpress theme which integrates nicely with the UI Options Wordpress Plugin. This theme could be a good starting point for an accessible Wordpress site.

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FLOE Project Wordpress a11y Theme

An accessible, responsive Wordpress theme created by the Floe Project. The theme features a static front page which displays a prominent description, and three content panels. The main navigation can display content landing pages, giving visitors a spot to orient themselves before diving deeper into the content. is an example of a site using this theme.

Under Development

This theme is still under development. We intend to make improvements over time to make the configuration and use of this theme easier. For example:

  • Easier bundling of the UI Options plugin.
  • Enable the theme admin page to set landing pages for categories.
  • Easier customization.


Note: This theme requires Wordpress version 2.8 or later.

  1. Copy this theme into a sub-directory in your Wordpress themes directory.
  2. Download and install the UI Options Wordpress plugin into your Wordpress plugins directory. Note: This plugin is required.
  3. Activate the a11y theme.

Content Structure

Before configuring the website, have a general idea of how the information will be structured. For this documentation, we will use a fictitious "A1 Renovations" construction company as a model. Their website will have the following structure:

  • Showcase
    • Basements
    • Kitchens
    • Bathrooms
    • Entertainment
  • Services
    • Design
    • Home Inspections
    • Renovations
    • Design and Build
  • Contact
  • About

Identify Categories and Landing pages

Based on the information structure above, we can create two categories: "Showcase", and "Services". Under these categories we can create individual posts like "Basements" and "Kitchens".

The a11y theme has a feature which allows you to display a custom landing page for any category. This way, rather than the default Wordpress listing of posts, we can display some other meaningful content instead.

Create the Categories

In the Wordpress Admin dashboard, go to Posts > Categories, and add the categories you need.

In our example, we will add the categories Showcase and Services.

Create Some Posts and the Landing Pages

To demonstrate how the category landing pages work, we will create some sample posts and an associate landing page.

Create some sample posts

  1. Create two new posts: Kitchens and Basements.
  2. Assign each of these new posts to the Showcase category.

Create the landing page

  1. Create another new post - this one will be the landing page for the Showcase category.
  2. Give it a title that can be easily identified. This title will not be displayed, but used as a way to find it in the WP dashboard. In our example, we created: Showcase landing page.
  3. Assign the landing page to the category it belongs to. i.e. Showcase.
  4. Add a Custom Field called is_landing_page and give it a value of true. Note, to enable Custom Fields, please visit Custom Fields on the Wordpress Codex.
  5. Save your changes by selecting Publish.
  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for every landing page you need.

Setting up the Navigation

Now if you view your site, it won't look much different. That's because the navigation hasn't been set up yet.

  1. In the Dashboard, go to Appearance > Menus
  2. Create a new menu. Give it a name and select Create Menu.
  3. Under the Categories option in the chooser, select the categories you want to appear in the main navigation. In our example, choose Showcase.
  4. Under Display location, select Primary Menu.
  5. Select Save Menu.

Now if you refresh the site, you should now see the navigation along the top. If you select your category, the landing page should appear along with the sub-pages listed in the sidebar navigation.

Configuring the Tagline and the Footer Text

The site tagline and footer content can be customized with any text or HTML.

To customize the front page tagline or footer content, go to Settings > a11y Theme Options, then change the text fields Front Page Tagline or Footer Text.

Note: at this time, the configuration of the a11y theme front page requires Administration privileges.

Configuring the Three Panels on the Front Page

Another feature of the a11y theme is the three content panels on the front page. The content of these panels are populated from any 3 posts or pages in your site. The titles and image thumbnails (if of the post / page has a Featured Image) can also link to any content within your site.

Note: at this time, the configuration of the a11y theme front page requires Administration privileges.

To set this up:

  1. In the Dashboard go to Settings > a11y Theme Options
  2. Under Front Panel Content enter in the IDs of the 3 posts or pages to appear within the panels.
  3. Under Front Panel Links enter the address the title and thumbnail should link to. The address should belong to the website.

Customizing Styles and CSS

It's likely you will want to change the default styles for this theme.

CSS and Stylus

The CSS for this theme is built using Stylus. The source Stylus files is located in the wp-a11y-theme/stylus/ directory. It is recommended that you work from the Stylus files and compile to CSS.

For example, to compile the Stylus files to CSS using the Stylus command line tool, the following command would be used:

stylus < ./stylus/style.styl > style.css

Zurb Foundation CSS Framework

By default this theme uses the Zurb Foundation CSS framework, but can be changed to use any CSS framwork you prefer.

The Floe Project has used Foundation in many web projects and has found Foundation to be reasonably accessible and works well with the UI Options plugin.


The a11y theme is created and maintained by the FLOE Project.


Portions of this theme is licensed under ECL 2.0, 3-Clause BSD, and GNU General Public License v2.0 licenses.


This is an accessible Wordpress theme which integrates nicely with the UI Options Wordpress Plugin. This theme could be a good starting point for an accessible Wordpress site.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 73.2%Language:CSS 26.8%