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Non-consensual Haskell (GHC) JIT

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2 GHCs 1 C - the tale of a non-consensual haskell jit

inject a live haskell application and do magic with both C and haskell

the goal

who would win? 2 GHC runtimes or 1 C B O I?

your application:

main :: IO ()
main = print $ 2 + 3

an aggressive bystander:

new_plus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
new_plus a b = unsafePerformIO $ do
  let c = a + b
  putStrLn $ show a ++ " + " ++ show b ++ " = " ++ show c
  return c

regular output:


output on steroids:

2 + 3 = 5


here are things that appear to work

  • jumping from haskell into C and back, without breaking the runtime
  • replacing instance Num Integer's (+) with new_plus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
  • replacing instance Num Integer's (+) with new_plus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer with unsafePerformIO (return (a + b))
  • using >>= (monadic bind) within unsafePerformIO

here are things that don't work

  • putStrLn inside unsafePerformIO
  • functions new_plus :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a and directly replacing Num.+


  1. mach_inject
  2. osxinj


  1. macOS - the injector code is macOS only via mach_inject but if you port the injector code to your platform then everything should work
  2. x86_64 - the code is simply not written to handle normal x86
  3. some version of ghc
  4. stack
  5. a lot of free time


  1. build your application ($ stack build inside ./stack-calc)

  2. checkout a relevant copy of ghc into ./src/ghc/

  3. start building ghc

    in particular, you want to make sure SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 and TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE is a thing

  4. wait 5 years for ghc to finish building

  5. use CMake to generate build files of your own choice

  6. $ make

    • this may require stack ghc -- -fobject-code unsafe_zp.hs


  1. launch your haskell application ($ stack exec stack-calc)
  2. inject your haskell application ($ sudo ./injector <pid> libhaskell-hook.dylib)
  3. profit


  1. laziness makes it very hard to actually pull out values

  2. base_GHCziNum_zdfNumInteger_closure is nowhere to be found when we are in base_GHCziNum_zp_info?

  3. gluing safe_weird_zp to NumInteger_closure causes it to return the constant 2199023255808 = 0x20000000100 which is very weird considering it expects a Num instance (arity=3) as well and it doesn't crash

  4. gluing safe_weird_zp' to NumInteger_closure does what we expect.

  5. gluing the other functions unsafe_zp' and unsafe_zp'' and foreign_zp cause the runtime to crash due to multiple statically linked runtimes.

    i postulate that unsafePerformIO can be made to work, but i do not know how yet.

  6. the application should be single threaded, yet sometimes in lldb i will get haskell output in between hooked output

    R5: HEAP closure at 0x420007d380...
    R5: tag=0
    R5: real addr=0x420007d380
    R5: info ptr=0x100013548
    R5: info tbl=0x100013538
    R5: closure type: THUNK_1_0 (16)
    R5: closure payload pointers: 1
    R5: closure payload non-pointers: 0
    R5: payload[0]=0x420007d310
    R6: null pointer
    *Sp: STACK closure at 0x42001e7e70...
    *Sp: tag=0
    *Sp: real addr=0x42001e7e70
    *Sp: info ptr=0x1001de1d8
    *Sp: info tbl=0x1001de1c8
    *Sp: closure type: UPDATE_FRAME (33)
    *Sp: closure layout: 0x1
  7. with respect to unsafePerformIO, the issue is almost certainly the fact that there are two statically linked runtimes competing with each other here. in particular, within maybePerformBlockedException, there are several checks against END_TSO_QUEUE and END_BLOCKED_EXCEPTIONS_QUEUE, both of which are defined to be stg_END_TSO_QUEUE_closure, but because there are two and everything is compiled with rip relative addressing, dynamic patching is needed to ensure that the runtimes agree with each other. this is currently done within main.c of haskell-hook, but the goal is to put the logic elsewhere once we get unsafePerformIO working. when these values are made to agree, the runtime will end up dying in evacuate by hitting the default case, probably because the ARR_WORDS it finds is allocated in the injected runtime. HEAP_ALLOCED_GC is defined as a macro when USE_LARGE_ADDRESS_SPACE is set so we cannot hook it to do what we expect. if we can get heap allocations to agree between the two runtimes then i suspect that we can finally get unsafePerformIO to work.


  1. provide a better interface for closures
  2. extract the numbers that are added togehter in base GHC.Num +


Non-consensual Haskell (GHC) JIT


Language:C 93.7%Language:TeX 3.8%Language:Haskell 1.4%Language:Assembly 0.6%Language:CMake 0.4%Language:Python 0.2%