inceabdullah / Phaser3-Based-Menu-Button-Maker

The number of menu buttons is dynamic

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

i use phaser3 typescript template repository from for using Phaser3 with typescript.
Phaser 3 Based Menu



How To Use

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd Phaser3-Based-Menu-Button-Maker

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# if webpack is not installed:
$ npm install webpack webpack-dev-server -g

# Start the local development server (on port 8080)
$ npm start

# or

$ webpack-dev-server --config webpack/

# Ready for production?
# Build the production ready code to the /dist folder
$ npm run build

Change the tabs in tabKeys parameter. like: http://localhost:8080/?tabKeys=menu1,menu2,menu3

the function of for spliting tabKeys in globalVars.ts:

this.tabKeys = searchParams.get("tabKeys");

this.tabKeys = {
            keys: this.parseKeys(this.tabKeys), // arrayed}
            number: this.parseKeys(this.tabKeys).length,
            joinedKeys: this.parseKeys(this.tabKeys).join(" ") // default char: space

parseKeys = (tabKeys: string) => {
    const _splitted = tabKeys.split(",")
    return _splitted;

Using with React Native

it is recommended to use in WebView, to be responsive, Phaser Game config is adjusted like below:

      const config: GameConfig = {
      		scale: {
        		mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT

and of course:

      DEFAULT_WIDTH = window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio
      DEFAULT_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight * window.devicePixelRatio

Noted that: using without window.devicePixelRatio ratio causes to mismatchinf of canvas and webview browser dimensions.

Phaser3 Tab Menu Communication with React Native WebView by postMessage

Phaser3 between React Native Webview postMessage

the variable tabPlus4Listen is on the index.html on Phaser3 Button page as:

    <script type="text/javascript">      
    var tabPlus4Listen = 0;

Listening to global variable changing is in update() function in Phaser.Scene as:

  _tabPlusListen = () => {
    if ( window.tabPlus4Listen === 0 ){ return }
    let newSelection = selectedTabOrder+window.tabPlus4Listen
    window.tabPlus4Listen = 0;
    if (newSelection === tabKeysObjects_.length){ newSelection = 0 }
    if (newSelection === -1){ newSelection = tabKeysObjects_.length-1}


After changing, Phaser send message to React Native app with postMessage like below:


Note: Sure thing, window.postMessage() won't work before changing this function into window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage()

Sending +1 or -1 triggering to Phaser is happened with changing the global variable tabPlus4Listen via WebView JavaScript Injection:


to prevent tab animation function from multiple triggering is added a variable lockOfTouchedOnScreen:

  _touchedOnScreen = (pointer, gameObject) => { if (lockOfTouchedOnScreen){ return } 

    selection = tabKeysObjects_.indexOf(gameObject)

    if (selection === selectedTabOrder) { return }

    lockOfTouchedOnScreen = true

    this._switchRectangleStrokes("", false)



This variable is used when animated rectangles is moving in update() function:

if (lockOfTouchedOnScreen){


  _checkPos = () => {

      if ( tabRectangles_.length === 0){ return }
      if (wayOfDirection === 1){
        if (tabRectangles_[selectedTabOrder].x >= selectionX){ this._afterRectangleAnimation() }
          if (tabRectangles_[selectedTabOrder].x <= selectionX){ this._afterRectangleAnimation() }

Loading from WebView

if page is loading immediatelly after running app, canvas width and height size from browser will be zero.

for solving, webview height should be above zero before loading page.

            onLayout = {(event) => {

              if (event.nativeEvent.layout.height >= 0){
                  tabWebViewUri: {
                    0: this.state.tabWebViewUri[1]
                style = {{
                  height: tabs.Hieght,
                  width: screenWidth,
                source = {{
                  uri: this.state.tabWebViewUri[0]

You know when this.state changed, WebView.souce.uri will be changed, then load new uri

    this.state = { 
	    tabWebViewUri: {
      		0: null,
      		1: `${tabs.uriBase}?w=${screenWidth}&h=${tabs.Hieght}&												tabKeys=${encodeURI(tabs.keys[0]+","+tabs.keys[1]+","+tabs.keys[2])}`

i use this React Native code for Haber Tellali App


Dockerfile is based on this page

There are some errors when it is working:

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(293,37)
      TS2339: Property 'rexRoundRectangle' does not exist on type 'GameObjectFactory'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(384,34)
      TS2339: Property 'rexRoundRectangle' does not exist on type 'GameObjectFactory'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(386,35)
      TS2339: Property 'rexRoundRectangle' does not exist on type 'GameObjectFactory'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(402,44)
      TS2339: Property 'x' does not exist on type 'Rectangle | GameObject'.
  Property 'x' does not exist on type 'GameObject'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(406,37)
      TS2339: Property 'velocity' does not exist on type 'object | Body | Body'.
  Property 'velocity' does not exist on type 'object'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(414,37)
      TS2339: Property 'velocity' does not exist on type 'object | Body | Body'.
  Property 'velocity' does not exist on type 'object'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(423,12)
      TS2554: Expected 2-3 arguments, but got 1.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(445,46)
      TS2339: Property 'x' does not exist on type 'Rectangle | GameObject'.
  Property 'x' does not exist on type 'GameObject'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(447,48)
      TS2339: Property 'x' does not exist on type 'Rectangle | GameObject'.
  Property 'x' does not exist on type 'GameObject'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(452,17)
      TS2339: Property 'tabPlus4Listen' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(453,48)
      TS2339: Property 'tabPlus4Listen' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'.

ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts
[tsl] ERROR in C:\Users\bill\git\phaser-project-template\src\scripts\scenes\tabScene.ts(454,12)
      TS2339: Property 'tabPlus4Listen' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'.


The number of menu buttons is dynamic

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%