inaki / take-home-exercise-full-stack

Matter's engineering take-home coding exercise!

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Matter Engineering Take-Home Exercise

πŸ’« Welcome to the Matter take-home coding exercise! πŸŽ‰

This full-stack exercise is designed to take about 3 hours for someone familiar with React/Node/Express. It involves building a form component in React that also makes a request to the Node.js/Express.js backend.

Getting Set Up

The exercise requires Node.js to be installed. We recommend using the LTS version.

  1. Start by cloning this repository.

  2. In the repo root directory, run npm install to gather all dependencies.

  3. Next, npm run seed will seed the local SQLite database. Warning: This will drop the database if it exists. The database lives in a local file database.sqlite3.

  4. Then run npm start which should start both the server and the React client.

❗️ Make sure you commit all changes to the master branch!

Technical Notes

  • The server is running with nodemon which will automatically restart for you when you modify and save a file.
  • The frontend was bootstrapped with Create React App
  • The database provider is SQLite, which will store data in a file local to your repository called database.sqlite3. The ORM Sequelize is on top of it. You should only have to interact with Sequelize.
  • The API client we have set up for you is axios. You are welcome to swap this out for your favorite client if you prefer.
  • The server is running on port 3001 and all AJAX requests from the frontend will automatically proxy to that endpoint. For instance, you can axios.get('/team') and it will automatically hit localhost:3001/team.

Acceptance Criteria

Below is a list of user stories corresponding to our acceptance criteria.

  1. I can click a button inside the empty "NEW TEAMMATE" card at the bottom that says 'Join the team!'.

  2. Clicking the 'Join the team!' button displays a form allowing me to fill out all of my team member information as per the data model (see backend/model.js).

  3. Filling out the form will create a new team member in the database that persists on reload.

  4. I can see team member cards for all of the new team members I have created.

Going Above and Beyond the Requirements

Given the time expectations of this exercise, we don't expect anyone to submit anything super fancy, but if you find yourself with extra time, any extra credit item(s) that showcase your unique strengths would be awesome! πŸ™Œ

Submitting the Assignment

When you have finished the assignment, create a bundle of your work by running npm run bundle in the repo root.

This generates a bundle file called take-home-exercise based on your local master branch. Upload that file using the link provided in the e-mail you received, and we'll review your code within 1-2 days.

Thank you and good luck! πŸ™


Matter's engineering take-home coding exercise!


Language:JavaScript 77.1%Language:CSS 13.8%Language:HTML 9.1%