imynzul / Telegram-Bot-Web-App

Telegram-messenger bot that is able to give info about main european capitals - the general info about the city and which places to visit. Is able to get city name from the user's message and gibe info about this city. All the cities and information is being kept in the database. Also there api methods to add, edit and remove cirty/info from the database.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Telegram Bot app&Api Web-service

Telegram Bot gives user all the main information about most popular european capitals. It reads the name of the city from the user's message and tells some general info about the city. Works with database where info is being kept. With api web-service you are able to add, edit and remove cities and info from the database.


Download zip archive with the files. Please make sure the release file is unpacked under a Web-accessible directory. You shall see the following files and directories:

  .mvn               maven wrapper
  api                api web-service
  datasource         database 
  tgbot              telegram-bot app
  .gitignore         list-ignore source
  mnvw               maven wrapper doc
  mvnw.cmd           maven wrapper executable file
  pom.xml            config file          this file


The minimum requirements - next should be installed on your PC:

  • Google Chrome
  • MySQL
  • JDK 1.8+


To start up the telegram bot you need - On command line, you need to type in the following commands from the project root:

   1. mvnw clean install
   2. java -jar tgbot\target\tgbot-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Telegram Bot name: @CityInfoTestBot

Telegram Bot token: 639836817:AAFGrwA9j0nT8B6kv0sUPAOzErQoUmF32hI

To start up the API service you need:

  • If you have already started up the telegram bot below, all you need. On command line, you need to type in the following commands from the project root:

     1. java -jar api\target\api-exec.jar
  • If you haven't started up the telegram bot, you need to do next. On command line, you need to type in the following commands from the project root:

     1. mvnw clean install 
     2. java -jar api\target\api-exec.jar


To test the bot - log into telegram app, find bot by it's name and press start-button to join the conversation

Api Methods:

/api/getall - return list of all the cities and their info

/api/save - save new city and info to the DB

/api/update - update info about the existing city in the database

/api/delete - delete city and it's info from the database


Telegram-messenger bot that is able to give info about main european capitals - the general info about the city and which places to visit. Is able to get city name from the user's message and gibe info about this city. All the cities and information is being kept in the database. Also there api methods to add, edit and remove cirty/info from the database.


Language:Java 100.0%