impaler / karma-angularity-solution

Requisite configuration and modules to test Angularity projects with Karma

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Webpack Angularity Solution

Requisite configuration and modules to build Angularity projects with Webpack


Angularity is an opinionated project structure for building applications in AngularJS.

This project is for use with the Webpack implementation, and is not suitable for the original Browserify-Sass Angularity implementation.


The original Browserify-Sass Angularity was a global installation that included the Karma unit testing framework. This is not the case with the new Webpack implementation.

Use this package, along with the Webpack Angularity implementation, to unit tests Angularity projects.


  • This package is not a global installation.

  • This package does not contain Karma, you will need to install separately (see below).

  • Favours Teamcity CI server, to the extent that it includes its reporter.


Do not follow the Angularity installation instructions.

Continue to use a Node version manager such as nvm for Mac, or nvm-windows for Windows. However you can run on NodeJS 4.0.0, meaning:

nvm install 4.0.0
nvm use 4.0.0

And additionally on Mac you may wish to set your default Node version:

nvm alias default 4.0.0

Now install this package as a local dev-dependency.

npm install --save-dev karma-angularity-solution


  • Install Karma as a global package using NPM.

     npm install -g webpack
  • Install cross-env as a global package using NPM, to allow you to write environment variables from your NPM scripts.

     npm install -g cross-env
  • Install webpack-angularity-solution as a local dev-dependency in order to build the test bundle.

     npm install --save-dev webpack-angularity-solution

Each project


Use the following dev-dependencies and scripts in your project.

"scripts": {
  "test": "cross-env MYPROJECT_NO_APP=true npm run build && karma start",
  "ci": "cross-env MYPROJECT_KARMA_REPORTER=teamcity npm run test"
"devDependencies": {
  "karma-angularity-solution": "latest"

Don't forget to change MYPROJECT prefix to the name of your project to avoid environment variable crosstalk.


Create a Karma configuration file that delegates to the karma-angularity-solution package. Use options taken from the same environment variables used in your package.json scripts.

/* global process:true */

module.exports = require('karma-angularity-solution')({
    port    : process.env.MYPROJECT_PORT ? (parseInt(process.env.MYPROJECT_PORT) + 1) : undefined,
    reporter: process.env.MYPROJECT_KARMA_REPORTER,
    browser : process.env.MYPROJECT_KARMA_BROWSER,
    logLevel: process.env.MYPROJECT_KARMA_LOGLEVEL


Run the scripts that are defined in your package.json by using npm run ....

For example:

  • run unit tests using npm run test

  • run with the TeamCity reporter using npm run ci


  • port:int Optional port (that overrides angularity.json)

  • reporter:string Optional reporter name (defaults to "spec")

  • browser:string Optional browser (defaults to "Chrome")

  • logLevel:string Optional log-level (defaults to "LOG_INFO")


Requisite configuration and modules to test Angularity projects with Karma


Language:JavaScript 100.0%