imindrajit / team_members

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Steps to setup project :-

  1. git clone the project.
  2. git checkout develop
  3. cd team_members
  4. pip install virtualenv
  5. virtualenv env
  6. source env/bin/activate
  7. pip install -r requirements.pip
  8. setup mysql server in the system with username root and password qwerty
  9. log into mysql console via mysql -uroot -pqwerty
  10. create database team_management_system;
  11. exit mysql console by typing exit
  12. cd team_management_system
  13. There are some errors with django-logging-json module in python 2.7, which I have used. So, two files need to be edited for the code to work. The pros of django-logging-json outweigh the negatives. So, I chose to stick with this module.
  14. vim ../env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_logging/ Go to line number 36. Replace Thread(target=do_log, args=(self.cursor, *args)).start() by Thread(target=do_log, args=(self.cursor, args)).start(). Save the file and exit.
  15. vim ../env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_logging/ Goto line number 57. Replace from .cursor_wrapper import CursorLogWrapper with from django_logging.cursor_wrapper import CursorLogWrapper. Save the file and exit.
  16. python makemigration
  17. python migrate
  18. for cross verifying migrations, run python makemigrations team_app
  19. if the above output shows new model Member, then run python migrate team_app
  20. python runserver 8888. Here 8888 is the port on which django server is running.
  21. For API Documentation refer to wiki section.

Steps to run test cases :-

  1. cd team_members/team_management_system
  2. python run_test
