imben1109 / Awesome-React-TypeScript

A Collection of awesome React Component which support TypeScript

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Awesome React TypeScript Awesome

A Collection of awesome React Component which support TypeScript

UI Components

Grid Table

  • ag-gird - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components
  • Griddle - Simple Grid Component written in React
  • react-bootstrap-table - A Bootstrap table built with React.js
  • react-data-grid - Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • fixed-data-table - A React table component designed to allow presenting thousands of rows of data.


  • react-infinite - A browser-ready efficient scrolling container based on UITableView
  • react-virtualized - React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data

Popup Window

  • react-overlays - Utilities for creating robust overlay components
  • react-modal - Accessible modal dialog component for React



Fixed Header


  • react-tabs - An accessible and easy tab component for ReactJS.

Loading Bar

  • halogen - A collection of loading spinners with React.js
  • react-spinkit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React



  • react-sparklines - Beautiful and expressive Sparklines React component
  • victory - A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations


Scroll Bar






  • react-scroll

Form Compoent






  • react-select - A Select control built with and for React JS

Color picker

  • react-color - Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more


  • react-toggle - Elegant, accessible toggle component for React. Also a glorified checkbox.




  • react-widgets - An à la carte set of polished, extensible, and accessible inputs built for React

Drag and Drop

  • react-dropzone - Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js.
  • react-dnd - Drag and Drop for React
  • sortablejs - Sortable — is a JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React, Polymer, Knockout and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap.
  • react-sortable-hoc - A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, touch-friendly, sortable list



  • react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems.

Application Framework Component


  • react-router - Declarative routing for React
  • redux-router - Redux bindings for React Router – keep your router state inside your Redux store
  • universal-router - A simple middleware-style router for isomorphic JavaScript web apps
  • react-router-redux - Ruthlessly simple bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync
  • react-breadcrumbs - Automatic breadcrumbs for React-Router

State Management

  • react-redux - Official React bindings for Redux
  • edux-batched-actions - redux higher order reducer + action to reduce actions under a single subscriber notification
  • reflux - A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture with React extensions inspired by Flux
  • fluxxor - Flux architecture tools for React
  • alt - Isomorphic flux implementation
  • reselect - Selector library for Redux
  • recompose - A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components.
  • redux-ui - Easy UI state management for react redux

Server Communication

  • react-relay - Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.


  • react-responsive - Media queries in react for responsive design
  • react-css-modules - Seamless mapping of class names to CSS modules inside of React components.
  • aphrodite - Framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS with support for server-side rendering, browser prefixing, and minimum CSS generation
  • radium - A toolchain for React component styling
  • react-bootstrap - Bootstrap 3 components built with React.
  • reactstra - Simple React Bootstrap 4 components
  • react-mdl - React Components for Material Design Lite
  • material-ui - React components that implement Google's Material Design.


  • react-intl - Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
  • react-i18next - Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.

Utils Library

  • lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
  • moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.


  • onsenui - Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.


A Collection of awesome React Component which support TypeScript