imaqtkatt / termstorage

a server that store 'terms'

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


# Termstorage - The best worst minimal database.

Termstorage is a server that can store terms, it has a simple protocol and term encoding/serialization.

Term encoding

First, let's take a look of how to encode terms.

We have the following terms:

enum Term {
  Tuple(Box<Term>, Box<Term>),

The only way to compose data structures is using the recursive Tuple.

To encode terms into a sequence of bytes, we can use a byte tag to know which term we need to write/read.

So, we have the following tags:

const TAG_BOOL: u8   = 20;
const TAG_NUMBER: u8 = 21;
const TAG_STRING: u8 = 22;
const TAG_TUPLE: u8  = 23;

The byte representation of 'Number(255.0)' is the same as:

let num255_0 = vec![21, 64, 111, 224, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

Notice that the byte endianness is big-endian/network-endian.

We have the following byte representation of all terms:

term tag length? rest
Bool 20 No 1 byte
Number 21 No 8 bytes
String 22 8 bytes [ length ]
Tuple 23 No { term, term }


A protocol is a set of established rules that dictates communication between systems.

Consider the current server state:

     "rust" -> String("ferris");
  "nightly" -> Bool(true);

What should happen if someone sends 2 requests, one fetching for "cargo" and other deleting "rust"?

Probably, we need to warn who are sending these requests that:

  • "cargo" was not found.
  • "rust" was deleted successfully, a processed operation.

Termstorage's protocol has 3 operations/requests:

enum Protocol {
  Fetch(/* Omit */),
  Set(/* Omit */),
  Delete(/* Omit */),

and 5 response types:

enum Response {

Same as term encoding, we use a byte tag to represent the request/response type in bytes.

// Requests
const TAG_FETCH: u8  = 10;
const TAG_SET: u8    = 11;
const TAG_DELETE: u8 = 12;

// Responses
const TAG_OK: u8           = 50;
const TAG_PROCESSED: u8    = 51;
const TAG_NOT_FOUND: u8    = 52;
const TAG_UNPROCESSED: u8  = 53;
const TAG_SERVER_ERROR: u8 = 54;

We have the following byte representation of the requests:

type tag name rest?
Fetch 10 8 bytes No
Set 11 8 bytes payload = 8 bytes, [ payload ]
Delete 12 8 bytes No

and for responses:

type tag rest?
Ok 50 payload = 8 bytes, [ payload ]
Processed 51 No
NotFound 52 No
Unprocessed 53 No
ServerError 54 No


a server that store 'terms'


Language:Rust 100.0%