imagine243 / manjaro-linux-config

configuration for manjaro linux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

manjaro-linux-config is a tool for configuring manjaro linux(including i3wm, terminator, vim, zsh, fonts of windows, pacman and installing applications, etc.), which uses symbolic link to manage the files of configuration.

# run this cmd in your terminal
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# then select your operation as follows

All files will be saved into $HOME/.manjaro-linux-config

Once you update your files

Such as .zshrc, .vimrc

Your change will also be applied in .manjaro-linux-config

You can backup this dir to save your configration


  1. applications

    you can add or delete your applications at ~/.manjaro-linux-config/res/app/{pacman, pacman-i3wm, yaourt, yaourt-i3wm}.

    applications in *-i3wm wil be installed if you select operation A above.

  2. zsh

    add new "rm" cmd, alias rm to a function, the function backup the files you want to delete into ~/.delete, you can input "unrm" undo the delete, input "lastrmtowhere" see the location of last delete, and input cleandel to clean all the backup files.

    ~/.delete/log record what you have deleted and where they are now.

  3. vim

    vundle, airline, youcompleteme, etc.

    • shortcuts:

      leader: ","

      Space: ":"

      leader w : "w!"

      leader q : ":q"

      leader q1: ":q!"

      leader wq / WQ: ":wq"

      leader y: ' “+y (copy into system clipboard)

      leader p : ' ”+p' (paste from system clipboard)

      Ctrl l: clear highlight after searching

      leader Tab: shift files

      leader tb: open tagbar

      leader nt: open nerdtree

      leader cc: quick comments

      leader cu: delete comments

      leader jd: jump to definition

      F5: check the grammar

      F9: run code

      other - please read .vimrc files

  4. pacman

    add archlinuxcn, use pacman-mirror change the source.

  5. kde shortcut

    load the shortcuts from file ~/.manjaro-linux-config/res/kde

    • Win + E: open dolphin
    • Ctrl + Alt + T: open konsole
    • Win + D: return to desktop
    • Win + W: show all application
    • Win + S: show all desktop
    • Win + 1/2/3/4 : shift to 1/2/3/4 desktop
    • Win + Space / Alt + Space: open search;
  6. i3wm

    use polybar rather than i3 status bar.


  1. sort the applications of {pacman, pacman-i3wm, yaourt, yaourt-i3wm}

    you can run res/app/ after you add or delete the applications.

  2. backup files

    use pigz to backup the files of home, the runable file is ~/.manjaro-linux-config/tools/




configuration for manjaro linux

License:MIT License


Language:Vim Script 80.7%Language:Shell 16.9%Language:Python 2.3%Language:CSS 0.1%