ilyaperepelitsa / CV

Code examples from various sources

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Ilya Perepelitsa

My kaggle profile

My temporary portfolio


A few collected highlights of my work in python, JS and Carto are collected here. Some of the projects are pure code, some come with an html that one can open in chrome. All relevant points will be presented in the general overview

General info

  • Sorry but I can't share my current code at the place of employment. I might tell you what libraries I use frequently but that has to be the extent. Not only such disclosure would be a breach of confidentiality (formally signed or "general blanket"), it would also be disrespectful to my colleagues and supervisors. Again, sorry.
  • Credentials - I'm frequently using a "credentials" module that I made. It holds my AWS RDS passwords and stuff like admin email for Dataslap, private keys for EC2. I deleted all of it prior to initializing a repository so there is also no trace of it here in commits. Don't waste your time. I also deleted pycache just in case.
  • Disclaimer - I'm using somewhat informal language here cause I'm sharing projects that I'm deeply passionate about including some very personal projects that I did when I was going through rough times. I can be extremely formal at times, informal at times too, I hope you can understand that.
  • Some projects listed here have very little to deal with Data Science. It's by intention. Some people say that they have personal projects and describe them. I'm showing you the code. With graphs sometimes (I really do love Data Viz)


Bulk of my work deals with scraping - I love getting to visualizations and ML but in so many cases you're just swamped with data collection and Data Engineering matters (spinning databases, dealing with schemas etc.) There is loads of scrapy (mostly) code as well as some sqlalchemy in there

Scraping projects

  • Dataslap jobs - a job aggregator that I plan to launch as a service for slow gathering of Glassdoor jobs and putting together tools for job applications on a scale (cover letter generator, submission scripts, maybe even resume generator that, similar to cover letter generator, makes ones based on the match of relevant skills and job description). More advanced features are coming after I finish with my React.js adventures.
  • FERC_DOC_TRAIL - a contract job that I did for these wonderful people: VzPI - a set of tools for monitoring pipeline construction in the U.S. It's a part of the repository, can be found here: FERC DOC part
  • snew - news (yep, puns) aggregator. Started with a few sources, shouldn't really be discussing them. Two sources at the moment, work in progress. (TechCrunch and NYTimes)
  • Met Book downloader - Metropolitan museum published some books for free. This is a community tool project for downloading them. Published here, got some support from people for it.
  • Intercept - Intercept had a dump of documents with some semi-confidential stuff. Please take your own risk on what PDFs are evil and what you download.


Most recently I've only had a chance of playing with sklearn on some job application test assignments so I pushed myself to start submitting some basic stuff on kaggle. Below - AMNES housing dataset and MNIST (keras and TF).

  • AMNES - scored top 36% (the last version I could find). Bayesian Ridge worked in this case but there's more room for improvement - I was testing raw hyperparameter approach with no feature engineering. It's gonna be the next step. Generally I like L1 and L2 regressions a lot - one of the most naturally interpretable parameter output to explain and visualize.
  • MNIST - scored top 25% (initial 22%) with 99.4% accuracy. The model that worked is a combo of Imagenet and Inception models working in parallel, very small replicas (number of inception layers in particular). Started with TF, replicated the same models in Keras and moved on to parodies of reliable academic models with the intention of "being able to construct any convolutional architecture". Attached - all the files of tested architectures with some hyperparameters preserved in the json file. Some later models were lost (they're on my iMac in Vladivostok) - the folder wasn't "githubbable" - I was saving all the logs and weights in order to be able to restart the training by pickling them and not do it from scratch. Some of the more advanced code might be missing. The furthest I got to with keras is pickling the model weights, writing logs, model saving weights only if there is improvement in test accuracy/loss. I tried playing with outputting convolutional weights as well but something went wrong and instead of a weights array I got a vector of pixels from convolutional layers (which is very odd but I couldn't find how to fix it at the time). Planning to check that in more advanced kaggle competitions when I get to the CV NN book. Most recent file conceptually I think is
  • Common learning - I started putting together some basic sklearn custom transformers. I want to pick it up later and make them work properly with pipelines so that I can test various "automatic feature engineering" pipeline steps i.e. figure out a datetime thing to pull out of data, pick some variables and count with grouping by year/month/day of the week to test wether they can be used as features automatically and focus on some more interesting features.

Python graphs init

  • Python graphs - I started putting together some boilerplate for graphs. Initiated a boxplot graph function that accepts arguments to determine how to order boxes - some usual i.e. by median, mean and some more interesting - by interquartile range. Also some color palette code that gets imported. I want to grow the basic graphs part of the library as well as explore some of the more unusual pyplot visualizations like table graphs etc.

P5.js projects

  • Instagram bot - available at this link. I made a Selenium-based instagram bot that followed thousands of people and liked a bunch of their photos, got 82 clean "follow-backs" and visualized it in a processing graph. Initially wanted to run some ML and write a proper bot but ran out of time and resources.
  • The most useless clock - I made a clock using p5.js as a student project. The class is called "Transforming data" and the assignment was "to make a clock". I thought I could reflect I see time - as waves rushing through things, strip the clock of its basic functionality and have some fun with custom increasing decay transformations with basic javascript arrays. It was great to practice both array maths and see it manifest itself visually (visual manifestation of math yay). Smallest wave is seconds, biggest - hours. You can view it by opening the index.html in your chrome browser.

GIS Projects

  • Traffic accidents map - a Carto map with some simple jquery (I would probably use React now) that filters the input data and outputs only that filtered data on the map and calculates some basic stats (count of people killed and injured). I had some leaflet.js experiments for my final project but I'm too embarrassed to share it.

Goal Tracker

This is very random. I'm learning React - I was initially learning Django but I embraced the Django - Rest webapp concept - can pack so much more into them and have no weird transitions between pages (sorry, I don't wanna learn AJAX for this). Eventually I want to add D3 to the stack.

The purpose of the app - create values that are important to me, span goals that correspond to specific values, assign tasks to goals and create tracker instances for monitoring how I'm doing on the goals. The general idea is to record things that I do - if I'm doing something - it has to lead somewhere, if it's not in "the system" - why not account for it and add it. The project is in progress - I'm still learning React and I wanted to share my progress in code. You won't run it easily cause of credentials but you can see that I advanced to modular React components (and dropping in some stateless JS objects to lighten up the code). Next topic to study - redux. I'm relying heavily on React + Django with Django REST in the middle. Using PostgreSQL on RDS.


Code examples from various sources


Language:JavaScript 77.4%Language:Python 21.8%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:CSS 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%