ilx / generator-stackstate-lab

Yeoman generator for StackState extension and customisation projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Yo Code - StackState Project Generator

We have written a Yeoman generator to help get you started with StackState extension and customization.

Install the Generator

Install Yeoman and the StackState generator:

npm install -g yo generator-stackstate-lab

Install pre-requisites for generated projects

Install PDM:


curl -sSL | python3 -


brew install pdm

Run Yo Code

The Yeoman generator will walk you through the steps required to create your project prompting for the required information.

To launch the generator simply type:

yo stackstate-lab

StackState Agent Check Project Type

The StackState-Lab Generator can scaffold a new StackState Agent Check project using a basic check structure or a more complex structure that uses the StackState ETL Framework.

The generated project uses PDM for Python package and dependency management which supports the latest PEP standards. Especially PEP 582 support, no virtualenv involved at all. PDM Scripts drive the development life-cycle of the project.

Command Description
pdm install Installs package and setups up PEP 582 environment
pdm test Runs unit tests
pdm format Code styling and linting performed by Black, FlakeHell and MyPy
pdm build Will transpile the custom agent check to Python 2.7 and create install zip
pdm cleanAgent Remove the custom StackState Agent Docker image used during development
pdm buildAgent Build a custom StackState Agent Docker to use during development
pdm check Dry-run custom agent check inside the StackState Agent container
pdm serve Starts the StackState Agent in the foreground using the configuration src/data/conf.d/ directory

Command line

  yo stackstate-lab:app [<destination>] [options]

Generates StackState extension and customization projects ready for development.

  -h,     --help                # Print the generator's options and usage
          --skip-cache          # Do not remember prompt answers                                                             Default: false
          --skip-install        # Do not automatically install dependencies                                                  Default: false
          --force-install       # Fail on install dependencies error                                                         Default: false
          --ask-answered        # Show prompts for already configured options                                                Default: false
  -t,     --projectType         # agent-check...
  -q,     --quick               # Quick mode, skip all optional prompts and use defaults
  -n,     --projectName         # Display name of the project
          --projectDescription  # Description of the project
          --url                 # StackState receiver api url. Example ''
          --apiKey              # StackState Api Key
  -acn,   --agentCheckName      # Name of the agent check
          --gitInit             # Initialize a git repo
          --useEtlFramework     # Use StackState ETL Agent Framework

  destination  # 
    The folder to create the project in, absolute or relative to the current working directory.
    Use '.' for the current folder. If not provided, defaults to a folder with the extension display name.
    Type: String  Required: false

Example usages:
  yo stackstate-lab                               # Create project in a folder with the project's name as prompted in the generator.
  yo stackstate-lab .                             # Create project in current folder
  yo stackstate-lab -acn=Hello -t=agent-check -q  # Create an Agent check project, skip prompts, use defaults.
  yo stackstate-lab -acn=Hello -t=agent-check --useEtlFramework -q  # Create an ETL Agent check project, skip prompts, use defaults.

Run Generator using Docker

If you don't want to install nodejs or any node packages, use this method to containerize the generator.

Go into your project directory.

cd <project directory>

Build the docker image from the docker file.

docker build -t stackstate-lab-generator .

Create a docker container with volumes.

docker run -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app stackstate-lab-generator

Local development

After making necessary changes, run npm link before running yo code to test the local version.

You can learn more about Yeoman generator development on its documentation website.




Yeoman generator for StackState extension and customisation projects.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 53.5%Language:JavaScript 40.9%Language:Dockerfile 5.6%Language:Shell 0.1%