- HOME PAGE (40%)
Presentation page, keeps most of the old presentation page. However, text needs to be rebuilt, from both SEO and professional p.o.v.
- WEB DEV (0%)
A dropdown, consists of multiple components:
- free web initiative (pro bono web development for companies based on a "why we deserve it" contest)
- pay only if happy with the end result initiative (think about asking a small fee at the begining or no fee at all)
- iwannaweb software, consisting of 2 subcategories: free open-source (libre) software and licensed software, mainly web-based
Consists of a dropdown, where PORTFOLIO can be accessed and a link for older projects (ARCHIVE) is available.
- CRYPTO (0%)
Single page for go-live, consists of a "coming soon" page and a teaser message, alongside a countdown. To be done:
- Basic idea is to present a strong introduction to cryptocurrencies and how they work. Add a "news" like column or page and also come with a few trading ideas, on a "not financial advice, only our thoughts" philosophy.
- BLOG (100%)
Multiple components, gets posts from a db (currrently making use of mysql). To be done:
- Create a CMS page for posts creation and publishing. This needs to use login and has to be separated from the normal workflow.
- CONTACT (100%)
Single page, keep content simple. Uses a php email sender. The sender is only working on webhosts, is not available on localhost, unless you configure smtp. To be done:
- Change confirmation message after form submit (center it to the screen, surround it with some white space and make it look more professional.
- finalize PORTFOLIO section
- create a crypto starting page, with a "coming soon" message
- finalize HOME page
- create the webdev section
GO-LIVE date: 01-Jun-2019