ilerik / js-sdk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lit Protocol Javascript/Typescript SDK V2

The Lit JavaScript SDK provides developers with a framework for implementing Lit functionality into their own applications. Find installation instructions in the docs to get started with the Lit SDK based on your use case:

This new V2 SDK is written in Typescript and is a complete rewrite of the old SDK. It is much more modular and easier to use, and has a much smaller bundle size.

Quick Start

node.js / browser

yarn add @lit-protocol/lit-node-client

Vanilla JS (UMD)

<script src=""></script>
  const authSig = LitJsSdk_litNodeClient.checkAndSignAuthMessage({chain: 'ethereum'});


Individual packages are below so that you can import the minimum required packages for your use case.

Package Category Version Download
@lit-protocol/lit-node-client lit-node-client 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/access-control-conditions access-control-conditions 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/bls-sdk bls-sdk 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/constants constants 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/contracts-sdk contracts-sdk 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/crypto crypto 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/ecdsa-sdk ecdsa-sdk 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/encryption encryption 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/misc misc 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/nacl nacl 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/uint8arrays uint8arrays 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/auth-browser auth-browser 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)
@lit-protocol/misc-browser misc-browser 2.0.40 npm
Vanilla JS (UMD)



App Link
Simple Encrypt Decrypt
Contracts SDK
(Test) Html
(Test) React

NOTE: For (Test) apps, all packages and functions can be called inside the browser console. eg. window.LitJsSdk_[package_name].[function_name]

Contributing and developing to this SDK

Recommended VSCode Extensions

Nx Console Download:
Restore Terminal

Download: See Video

  "restoreTerminals.terminals": [
    {See [Video](
      "splitTerminals": [
        // {
        //   "name": "nx graph",
        //   "commands": ["yarn graph"]
        // },
          "name": "nodejs",
          "commands": ["yarn nx run nodejs:serve"]
          "name": "html",
          "commands": ["yarn nx run html:serve"]
          "name": "react",
          "commands": ["yarn nx run react:serve"]
          "name": "custom",
          "commands": ["clear"]



yarn tools


// this will open
// html: http://localhost:4002
// react: http://localhost:4003
// nodejs: in this terminal
yarn tools --dev --apps

// usually i will open another temrinal to watch the package
// i'm developing
yarn tools --watch --target <package-name>

Creating a new library

By default, NX provides a command to generate a library nx generate @nrwl/js:library. However, it doesn't have an esbuild built-in so that we've created a custom tool that modify the build commands.

yarn tool:genLib <package-name>

Create a new react demo app using the Lit JS SDK

yarn tools --create --react contracts-sdk --demo

Deleting a library

yarn tool:delete (--package OR --app) <project-name>


yarn build

// or
yarn tools --build

// build in order specified in lit-build.config.js
yarn tools --build --packages --async

Building target package

yarn nx run <project-name>:build

// or
yarn tools --build --target <project-name>

// or targeted env
yarn nx run <project-name>:_buildTsc
yarn nx run <project-name>:_buildWeb


// watch all packages change
yarn tools --watch

// watch a target package
yarn tools --watch <package-name>

// watch a target package with all its monorepo dependencies
yarn tools --watch <package-name>--deps


to npm

yarn tools --publish

clone & publish to npm

yarn tools --clone <project-name> <clone-project-name> <(?) --publish> <(?) --remove-after>

// eg
yarn tools --clone lit-node-client @litprotocol/dev --publish --remove-after

HTML Test app to Vercel

yarn tool:buildHtml



There are currently three environments can be tested on, each of which can be generated from a custom command, which would automatically import all the libraries in ./packages/*. The UI of HTML & React are visually identical but they are using different libraries.

Environment Generate Command Test Location
HTML yarn tool:genHtml http://localhost:4002
React yarn tool:genReact http://localhost:4003
NodeJs yarn tool:genNodejs yarn nx run nodejs:serve

Note: Personally I like to use the "Restore Terminal" VSCode plugin to automatically open all these environments. See Video

Unit Tests (for Node)

yarn test:packages

// watch mode
yarn test:watch

E2E Testing with Metamask using Cypress (for Browser)

Since both HTML & React UIs are identical, we can run the same test suite against two different environments of libraries. This is done by setting the PORT number before Cypress launch.


yarn tools --test --e2e html


// E2E React
yarn tools --test --e2e react

Other Commands

Interactive graph dependencies using NX

yarn graph

FAQs & Common Errors

Web bundling using esbuild

It’s currently using a custom plugin @websaam/nx-esbuild which is a fork from @wanews/nx-esbuild

"_buildWeb": {
    "executor": "@websaam/nx-esbuild:package",
    "options": {
      "banner": {
        "js": "import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);"
      "globalName": "LitJsSdk_CoreBrowser",
      "entryPoints": ["./packages/core-browser/src/index.ts"],
      "define": { "global": "window" },
          "package": "esbuild-node-builtins",
          "function": "nodeBuiltIns"
Reference Error: crypto is not defined
import crypto, { createHash } from 'crypto';
Object.defineProperty(globalThis, 'crypto', {
  value: {
    getRandomValues: (arr: any) => crypto.randomBytes(arr.length),
    subtle: {
      digest: (algorithm: string, data: Uint8Array) => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
            createHash(algorithm.toLowerCase().replace('-', ''))
error Command failed with exit code 13.

Make sure your node version is above v16.16.0


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 71.8%Language:JavaScript 28.2%Language:Shell 0.0%