ildjarnisdead / Ncentral

Powershell interface for the new REST based API of N-central

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Please note that I have very little time to work on this, this version is only working for 2023.9 and is left as a proof of concept, improvements and new features may or may not be added in the future.

Powershell interface for the N-Central REST API

In version 2023.9.0.25, N-Able added a new REST API to N-Central. For the old SOAP API there was already a PowerShell module, this module can be used to talk to the REST API.

Supported versions

With each new N-central version, new API endpoints become available, and new functionalities become available in existing endpoints. I will try to support at least 3 versions of N-central. If you use a version of NcentralRest not meant for the version of N-central it was written for, you may get errors, strange results, or miss functionality.

N-central version NcentralRest version
23.9.y.z 1.0.x


The module defines 4 new classes. All of them are for internal use of the module, but if you want to write your own code against the module classes, here are the definitions.


The central class. It holds the information on the N-central connection.

Property Hidden Type Description
ApiHost No String The hostname of the N-central server. This must be a FQDN and the server must use a certificate that is trusted by PowerShell
IsConnected No Bool Whether the last connection attempt was successful or not. This does not mean that the access and/or refresh token are still valid
ErrorText No String If the last connection attempt was unsuccessful, this contains the reason why
ApiEndpoints No String[] The list of endpoints that are available on the N-central server.
AccessToken Yes NcentralToken The last used access token. It is possible that this token is no longer valid
RefreshToken Yes NcentralToken The last used refresh token. It is possible that this token is no longer valid

All public functions check whether the API endpoint is supported in the version of N-central you're connecting to, and take care of both refreshing the tokens and pagination.

Method Availability Type Parameters Description
Get Public System.Collections.ArrayList ApiEndpoint Used for paginated GET requests.
Get Public System.Collections.ArrayList ApiEndpoint, Filter, Exactmatch Used for paginated GET responses with a filter. The third parameter determines whether the filter is an exact match or a regular expression match
GetOne Public pscustomobject ApiEndpoint Used for non-paginated GET requests.
Post Public System.Collections.ArrayList ApiEndpoint, Body Used for POST requests.
TestEndpoint Private Bool ApiEndpoint Tests whether the called endpoint is supported by the N-central server you're connected to
RefreshTokens Private Void None Refreshes the access and refresh tokens when the access token is expired


The API works with two tokens: An access token (used in the Authorization header), and a refreshtoken (used to create a new access token when it has expired).

Property Hidden Type Description
Type No String The type of the token, usually 'Bearer'
ExpirySeconds No Int The number of seconds that the token is valid
ValidTo No Datetime The date and time the token is valid to
Token Yes String The token itself


When creating a scheduled task, one of the parameters needed is a credential object. This class defines that credential object.

Property Hidden Type Description
type No String The type of credential (Local System. Device credential or custom credential)
username No String Only valid for a custom credential
password Yes String Only valid for a custom credential. This is a plaintext password, not a securestring


When creating a scheduled task, some tasks require input parameters. This class defines the input parameter.

Property Hidden Type Description
name No String The input parameter name
value No String The value of the input parameter


The following functions are avaliable


Creates a new N-central connection object. You can override the default expiry of the access token and the refresh token. The only requirement for the expiries is that refreshexpiry must be at least 3 times accessexpiry. After a successful connection, a global variable $global:_NcentralServer contains the connection information.


# The hostname to connect to
$ApiHost = "my.ncentral.server"
# The key is a securestring, if you have stored it in a vault use the syntax for your vault type to get it
$Key = Import-SecretFromVault "API key"

# Make the connection using the default expiries
Connect-Ncentral -ApiHost $ApiHost -Key $key
# Make the connection using custom expiries
Connect-Ncentral -ApiHost $ApiHost -Key $key -AccessExpiry 30 -RefreshExpiry 100
# This will result in an error, since the refresh expiry must be at least 3 times the access expiry
Connect-Ncentral -ApiHost $ApiHost -Key $key -AccessExpiry 30 -RefreshExpiry 30


This removes the N-central connection object from the global variables. Note that this does not invalidate the tokens used in the connection!


# Disconnect from N-central


Gets one or more customers. You can filter on one customer name.


# Get all customers
$allcustomers = Get-NcentralCustomer
# get one customer by customer name
$onecustomer = Get-NcentralCustomer -CustomerName ORGANISATION


Gets one or more devices. You can filter on customers or on device ID, either through the direct -CustomerId or -DeviceId parameter, or through the pipeline. If you want to filter on device name, use Get-NcentralDeviceByName.


# Get all devices
$alldevices = Get-NcentralDevice
# Get all devices for one customer by using a customer object retrieved with Get-NcentralCustomer
$allcustomerdevices = $onecustomer | Get-NcentralDevice
# Get one device by ID
$onedevice = Get-NcentralDevice -DeviceId 1000


Gets one or more devices based on a regular expression match on the longname property.


# Get all devices with 'SQL' or 'DB' in the name
Get-NcentralDeviceByName -DeviceName 'SQL','DB'
# Get all devices that start with 'SQL' or end with 'DB'
'^SQL', 'DB$' | Get-NcentralDeviceByName


Gets all direct support tasks on a device.


# Get all scheduled tasks for all devices for customer 'ORGANISATION'
Get-NcentralCustomer -CustomerName "ORGANISATION" | Get-NcentralDevice | Get-NcentralDeviceScheduledTask


Gets information on a direct support task. By default, the direct support task settings are returned. If you want the status of the direct support task, add the -Status switch. If you want detailed status of the direct support task, also add the -Details switch.

Note that -Details without -Status is ignored.


# Get information on one explicit task
Get-NcentralScheduledTask -TaskId 12345
# Get the detailed status for all scheduled tasks for device 'MyDevice'
Get-NcentralDeviceByName -DeviceName 'MyDevice' | Get-NcentralDeviceScheduldTask | Get-NcentralScheduledTask -Status -Details


Gets health status (boot time and current time) for the N-central server




Gets version information for the N-central server




When creating a direct support task, you need to provide the credential. This function will create that credential for you.


### Create a localsystem credential
$localsystemcred = New-NcentralScheduledTaskCredential -LocalSystem
### Create a device credential
$devicecred = New-NcentralScheduledTaskCredential -DeviceCredentials
### Create custom credential
$password = Import-SecretFromVault "API key"
$customcred = New-NcentralScheduledTaskCredential -CustomCredentials -Username Foo -Password $password


When creating a direct support task for an item which requires one or more input parameters, you need to create the parameters object with this function.


### Create an array of 3 input parameters
$params = New-NcentralScheduledTaskParameter -Name "a","b","c" -Value 1,2,3
### The number of arguments for Name and Value must be identical. The following call will result in an error
$params = New-NcentralScheduledTaskParameter -Name "a","b","c" -Value 1,2


Create a new direct support task on a device. Default, it uses the LocalSystem credentials, if you want to override that you need to create an NcentralScheduledTaskCredential object for the -Credential parameter. If you want to pass arguments to the task, you need to create an NcentralScheduledTaskParameter object array for the -Parameters parameter. If you use the pipeline to feed the device(s) to this function, the device ID is added to the task name in order to create unique task names. The item ID can be found in the Script/Software Repository in the 'Repository ID' column.

  • Note that the repository item must be enabled for the API (the 'Enable API' column toggle must be set to on), otherwise you'll get a '403 Forbidden' error.
  • Also note that the name must be unique. If a direct support task with that exact name already exists, you get a '500 Internal Server' error.


### Item ID
$itemId = 1234567
### This item needs to be started with device credentials
$devicecred = New-NcentralScheduledTaskCredential -DeviceCredentials
### This item requires 3 parameters: a, b, and c
$params = New-NcentralScheduledTaskParameter -Name "a","b","c" -Value 1,2,3
### Create the direct support task on all SQL devices
get-ncentraldevicebyname -DeviceName SQL | New-NcentralScheduledTask -TaskName "SupportTask" -TaskType AutomationPolicy -ItemId $itemId -Parameters $params -Credential $devicecred


This function tests whether there is a connected N-central object. It does not test whether the tokens are still valid, this is done when performing a new call




Powershell interface for the new REST based API of N-central

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PowerShell 100.0%