ildarmustafin / ci-arduino

A script that will install all of the common dependencies for testing Arduino library builds using Travis CI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Travis CI Arduino Init Script Build Status

The purpose of this repo is to create a centrally managed dependency install script for all Adafruit Arduino Library Travis CI configs. This will allow us to easily update the install steps without having to manually or programatically update 100+ .travis.yml files.

We have a guide that you can use to follow along to install both TravisCI and Doxygen generation here

Adding to Travis CI Configs

You will need to source the script in the before_install step of your .travis.yml file.

source <(curl -SLs

If you only want to install and build on certain platforms, you can set the INSTALL_PLATFORMS envionrment variable to a comma-seperated list of platforms.

Example .travis.yml:

language: c
sudo: false
    - ~/arduino_ide
    - ~/.arduino15/packages/
  depth: false
  quiet: true
      - llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0
      - key_url: ''
      - clang-format-5.0
#    - ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION="1.8.10"
     - PRETTYNAME="Adafruit FT6206 Arduino Library"
# Optional, will default to "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Doxyfile"

   - source <(curl -SLs
   - curl -SLs >

   - arduino --install-library "Adafruit ILI9341","Adafruit GFX Library"

   - python -r .
   - build_main_platforms

# Generate and deploy documentation
  - source <(curl -SLs
  - source <(curl -SLs

Choosing Arduino IDE version

You could use any version of IDE by setting ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION variable but we recommend keeping this variable unused because script gets updated and you then will not have to modify .travis.yml manually.

Automated Example Verification Bash Functions

build_platform will build all .ino examples in the repo using the passed platform. The platforms are defined in the MAIN_PLATFORMS and AUX_PLATFORMS associative arrays at the top of the script.

All of the examples will be built with the platforms in MAIN_PLATFORMS if you call build_main_platforms, and AUX_PLATFORMS can be used to define other platforms that don't need to be verified for every repo.

Build the examples using the platforms in the MAIN_PLATFORMS array:

  - build_main_platforms

Build the examples only using the trinket:

  - build_platform trinket

Skipping Platforms

If you would like to skip one of the main platforms when running build_main_platforms, you can commit a .YOUR_PLATFORM_HERE.test.skip file to the example sketch directory you wish to skip. You will need to use the array key defined in MAIN_PLATFORMS for the platform you wish to skip.

For example, if you would like to skip the esp8266 platform for an example in your lib called blink.ino, you would need to do something like this in your library repo:

$ touch examples/blink/.esp8266.test.skip
$ git add -A
$ git commit -a
$ git push

If you need an easy way to skip a platform, you can also add something like this to your ~/.bash_profile:

function travis_skip()

  local platform_key=$1

  # grab all pde and ino example sketches
  local examples=$(find $PWD -name "*.pde" -o -name "*.ino")

  # loop through example sketches
  for example in $examples; do

    # store the full path to the example's sketch directory
    local example_dir=$(dirname $example)

    touch ${example_dir}/.${platform_key}.test.skip



You will then be able to skip a platform for all examples by running the travis_skip function from your library repo. It will automatically add the .YOUR_PLATFORM_HERE.test.skip files to the examples.

$ travis_skip esp8266

Using external libraries

External libraries (which are not hosted by the Arduino library manager) can be installed using the following command:

- if [ ! -d "$HOME/arduino_ide/libraries/<Name>" ]; then git clone <URL> $HOME/arduino_ide/libraries/<Name>; fi

Deploying compiled artifacts

If you need to get hold of the compiled sketches of your project, in order to release them or forward them to an deployment pipeline, you can find them in the $ARDUINO_HEX_DIR directory. Specifically, if Foo is the name of your project, you are compiling for an Arduino Mega and the primary sketch is called Foo.ino, the flashable .hex files will be found inside $ARDUINO_HEX_DIR/mega2560/Foo as Foo.ino.hex and Foo.ino.with_bootloader.hex. Similarly for the rest of the platforms.

For example, assuming you have a Foo project as outlined above, to create a release which includes the .hex files on GitHub, you could add this to your .travis.yml configuration:

  provider: releases
    - $ARDUINO_HEX_DIR/mega2560/Foo/Foo.ino.hex
    - $ARDUINO_HEX_DIR/mega2560/Foo/Foo.ino.with_bootloader.hex
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true

Running locally

  1. Install arduino-cli from here:
  2. Download ci-arduino
    • git clone
  3. Put these lines at the end of your .bashrc or .bash_profile if you're on OSX. Make sure to fill in the path to where you installed ci-arduino and replacing USER with your username.
    alias test-platforms='python3 ~/path/to/ci-arduino/'
    export HOME=/home/USER/
  4. Run this at the top level of the library you want to test
    adafruit@adafruit:~/Adafruit_BMP183_Library$ export GITHUB_WORKSPACE=$(pwd)
  5. Remove everything in test library, and re-create it
    adafruit@adafruit:~/Adafruit_BMP183_Library$ rm -rf ~/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_Test_Library/; mkdir ~/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_Test_Library
  6. Still in the top-level directory of the library you'll be testing, copy the current library to Adafruit_Test_Library
    adafruit@adafruit:~/Adafruit_BMP183_Library$ cp * ~/Arduino/libraryes/Adafruit_Test_Library/
  7. Grep for in githubci.yml to find out what boards to test.
    adafruit@adafruit:~/Adafruit_BMP183_Library$ grep '' .github/workflows/githubci.yml
            run: python3 ci/ main_platforms
  8. Run test-platforms. This may take a while, and tests for some boards sometimes run orders of magnitude slower than tests for other boards.
    test-platforms main_platforms
    OR, if githubci.yml specified other boards, let's say the metro m0 and pyportal, you'd run this:
    test-platforms metro_m0 pyportal

Here's what that returns

adafruit@adafruit:~/Adafruit_BMP183_Library$ test-platforms main_platforms
build dir: /home/dherrada/Adafruit_BMP183_Library

arduino-cli core update-index --additional-urls,,, > /dev/null

Installing Adafruit Unified Sensor
arduino-cli lib install "Adafruit Unified Sensor" > /dev/null
arduino-cli lib uninstall "Adafruit BMP183 Library"
Library Adafruit BMP183 Library is not installed
Libraries installed:  ['/home/adafruit/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_VL53L0X', '/home/adafruit/Arduino/libraries/RTClib', '/home/adafruit/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit-RGB-LCD-Shield-Library', '/home/adafruit/Arduino/libraries/readme.txt', '/home/adafruit/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_Test_Library', '/home/adafruit/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_Unified_Sensor']
  elif isinstance(platform, collections.Iterable):
SWITCHING TO arduino:avr:uno
Installing arduino:avr ✓
	BMP183test.ino ✓
SWITCHING TO arduino:avr:leonardo
Installing arduino:avr ✓
	BMP183test.ino ✓
SWITCHING TO arduino:avr:mega:cpu=atmega2560
Installing arduino:avr ✓
	BMP183test.ino ✓
SWITCHING TO arduino:samd:arduino_zero_native
Installing arduino:samd ✓
	BMP183test.ino ✓
SWITCHING TO esp8266:esp8266:huzzah:eesz=4M3M,xtal=80
Installing esp8266:esp8266 ✓
	BMP183test.ino ✓
SWITCHING TO esp32:esp32:featheresp32:FlashFreq=80
Installing esp32:esp32 ✓
  BMP183test.ino ✓
SWITCHING TO adafruit:samd:adafruit_metro_m4:speed=120
Installing adafruit:samd ✓
	BMP183test.ino ✓
SWITCHING TO adafruit:nrf52:feather52840:softdevice=s140v6,debug=l0
Installing adafruit:nrf52 ✓
	BMP183test.ino ✓


A script that will install all of the common dependencies for testing Arduino library builds using Travis CI

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 63.2%Language:Python 36.2%Language:HTML 0.6%