The Relief Goods Management Platform is a robust web application developed to facilitate the coordination and management of relief goods distribution in post-disaster scenarios. Leveraging modern technologies and user-friendly interfaces, this platform aims to streamline the process of delivering essential supplies to affected communities efficiently.
- User Authentication: Secure registration and login functionalities for users.
- Dashboard: Personalized dashboard for users to manage relief goods and access statistical insights.
- Relief Goods Posts: Comprehensive display of relief goods posts with detailed information.
- Supply Management: Ability for users to add, edit, and delete supply posts.
- Responsive Design: Ensures accessibility across various devices for a seamless user experience.
- Animations: Implementation of engaging animations using the Framer Motion library to enhance visual appeal.
- Home / Landing Page
- All Relief Goods Page
- Relief Goods Detail Page
- Login / Register Page
- Dashboard
- Create Supply Post Page
- Frontend:
- React
- Redux
- RTK Query
- React Router DOM
- Backend:
- MongoDB
- Mongoose (optional)
- Deployment & Testing:
- Vercel (for deployment)
- Unit testing for all functionalities
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This project was developed by [Ikramuzzaman]. Special thanks to [Programming Hero Assignd This Task].