ikostrikov / walk_in_the_park

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Question about the paper/implementation

araffin opened this issue · comments

thanks for sharing and open sourcing the work.
After a quick read of the paper, I had several questions:

I have a working implementation of TQC + DropQ using Stable-Baselines3 that I can also share ;) (I can do a PR on request, and it will probably part of SB3 soon)
SB3 branch: https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3/tree/feat/dropq
SB3 contrib branch: https://github.com/Stable-Baselines-Team/stable-baselines3-contrib/tree/feat/dropq
Training script: https://github.com/araffin/walk_in_the_park/blob/feat/sb3/train_sb3.py

EDIT: SBX = SB3 + Jax is available here: https://github.com/araffin/sbx (with TQC, DroQ and SAC-N)

W&B example run: https://wandb.ai/araffin/a1/runs/2ln32rqx?workspace=user-araffin


  • we ablated over different utds and found that utd=20 works best. See this figure.
  • TQC is an exciting algorithm. However, we didn't try it specifically for this work.
  • we ran experiments with and without a low pass filter; however, in our specific setup, we didn't notice a significant difference, probably due to larger damping values. At the same time, I think in many scenarios the low-pass filter can be useful.

Results for TQC+DroQ look interesting! However, we do not plan to expand this repository and intent to keep it frozen to ensure the reproducibility of the results reported in the paper.

Thanks for the swift answer =)

we ablated over different utds and found that utd=20 works best. See this figure.

given how fast is the implementation, it would make sense to even try UTD > 20, no?

Btw, what makes it so fast? jax only or additional special tricks?

Did you consider running the training for longer than 20 minutes or does it plateau/breaks? (let's say 1h for the easiest setup)
Because the learned policies walk forward but one can tell it's a RL controller... (gaits are not so natural/good looking)

Our laptop could run training only with utd=20 in real time, so we didn't try larger values :)

Yes, it's just jax.jit. Otherwise, it's a vanilla implementation without any additional engineering.

In the wild, we were constrained by the battery capacity :) With more training it gets better and better.

In the wild, we were constrained by the battery capacity :) With more training it gets better and better.

Alright... still curious to see what it could do in the simplest setting (indoor, no battery, flat ground).

fyi, I created a small report for the runs I did today with TQC ;) https://wandb.ai/araffin/a1/reports/TQC-with-DropQ-config-on-walk-in-the-park-env--VmlldzoyNTQxMzgz
After minor tuning of the discount factor (gamma=0.98), it consistently reaches return > 3700 in only 8k env interactions =) (sometimes in only 5k)

As a follow up, I've got a working version of TQC + DroQ in jax here (borrowed some code from your implementation ;)): vwxyzjn/cleanrl#272
(also a version of TQC + TD3 + DroQ, need to polish everything)