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Littlstar iOS SDK


Littlstar iOS 360 photo/video player SDK The Littlstar SDK is a developer library to easily build and implement mobile applications that utilize immersive 360° video & images content. 360° video is a special type of video that covers the complete surroundings of the camera. Content can be hosted on the Littlstar back-end service (recommended) or another back-end service. 360° videos and images can also be loaded and played from a users phone (sideloading).

Table of Contents



Get Cocoapods
Navigate to the directory of the Xcode project.

$ pod init

A podfile should be created. Add pod 'ls-ios-sdk' to your podfile

platform :ios, "9.0"
workspace 'Hello Littlstar 360 Player'

target "Hello Littlstar 360 Player" do
    pod 'ls-ios-sdk'


$ pod install

Make sure to open the xcworkspace generated rather than the xcodeproj file. After installing the cocoapod into your project import ls-ios-sdk.

// Swift
import ls_ios_sdk
// Objective-C
@import ls_ios_sdk;





Hello Littlstar

Boilerplate code - Swift

import ls_ios_sdk
class ViewController: UIViewController {

  var player: LSPlayer!

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Initialize LSPlayer
    player = LSPlayer(frame: self.view.frame)
    player.delegate = self

    // Initialize Media
    let hlsExample = URL(string:"https://360.littlstar.com/production/76b490a5-2125-4281-b52d-8198ab0e817d/mobile_hls.m3u8")!
  @objc func play() {
    if player.isPlaying {
    } else {
  @objc func mute() {
    if player.isMuted {
      player.isMuted = false
    } else {
      player.isMuted = true

// Conform to the LSPlayerDelegate protocol and implement all required and/or optional delegate methods
extension ViewController: LSPlayerDelegate {
  func lsPlayer(isBuffering: Bool) {
    if isBuffering {
      print("Video is buffering")
    } else {
      print("Video is not buffering")

  func lsPlayerReadyWithImage() {
    print("Player is ready to display the image")

  func lsPlayerReadyWithVideo(duration: Double) {
    print("Player is ready to display the 360 video")

  func lsPlayerHasUpdated(currentTime: Double, bufferedTime: Double) {
    print("Player has updated its state")

  func lsPlayerHasEnded() {
    print("Video has ended")

  func lsPlayerDidTap() {
    print("The user tapped the player")

Boilerplate code - Objective-C

@import ls_ios_sdk;

@interface ObjectiveCViewController() <LSPlayerDelegate>


@implementation ObjectiveCViewController

LSPlayer *player;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Initialize LSPlayer
    player = [[LSPlayer alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame withMenu:true];
    player.delegate = self;
    [self.view addSubview:player];
    // Initialize Media
    [player initMedia:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://360.littlstar.com/production/76b490a5-2125-4281-b52d-8198ab0e817d/mobile_hls.m3u8"] withHeatmap:false];

// Conform to the LSPlayerDelegate protocol and implement all required and/or optional delegate methods
- (void)lsPlayerReadyWithVideoWithDuration:(double)duration {
    NSLog(@"Player is ready to display the 360 video");
    [player play];

- (void)lsPlayerHasEnded {
    NSLog(@"Video has ended");
    [player close];

- (void)lsPlayerReadyWithImage {
    NSLog(@"Player is ready to display the image");

- (void)lsPlayerWithIsBuffering:(BOOL)isBuffering {
    if (isBuffering) {
        NSLog(@"Player is buffering");
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Player is not buffering");

- (void)lsPlayerHasUpdatedWithCurrentTime:(double)currentTime bufferedTime:(double)bufferedTime {
    NSLog(@"Player has updated its state");


LSPlayerDelegate Protocol

Conform to this protocol to get notified of different events and state of the LSPlayer

lsPlayer(isBuffering: Bool) - required method

Called when LSPlayer changes its buffering state. isBuffering - true when the video is buffering, false otherwise.

lsPlayerReadyWithImage() - required method

Called when LSPlayer is ready to display the image.

lsPlayerReadyWithVideo(duration: Double) - required method

Called when LSPlayer is ready to play the video. duration - the duration of the video

lsPlayerHasUpdated(currentTime: Double, bufferedTime: Double) - required method

Called when LSPlayer has updated its state.

currentTime - the current timecode of the video.
bufferedTime - the number of seconds buffered.

lsPlayerHasEnded() - required method

Called when the current video playing in LSPlayer ended.

lsPlayerDidTap() - optional method

Called when LSPlayer receives a tap.



init(frame: CGRect, withMenu: Bool = true)

Initialize a LSPlayer with or without the control menu that contains UI elements for controlling the video. (Play/Pause/VR cardboard mode/Seek)

// Swift

// init player with the control menu
var player = LSPlayer(frame: self.view.frame)
var player = LSPlayer(frame: self.view.frame, withMenu: true)

// init player without the control menu
var player = LSPlayer(frame: self.view.frame, withMenu: false)
// Objective-C

// init player with the control menu
LSPlayer *player = [[LSPlayer alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame withMenu:true];

// init player without the control menu
LSPlayer *player = [[LSPlayer alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame withMenu:false];

initMedia(_ file: URL, withHeatmap: Bool = false)

Loads 360 video or photo from the URL provided. If withHeatmap is set to true, logs the heatmap.

// Swift

// init media without logging the heatmap
player.initMedia("https://my360video.m3u8", withHeatmap: false)

// init with heatmap logging
player.initMedia("https://my360video.m3u8", withHeatmap: true)
// Objective-C

// init media without logging the heatmap
[player initMedia:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://my360video.m3u8"] withHeatmap:false];

// init with heatmap logging
[player initMedia:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://my360video.m3u8"] withHeatmap:true];


delegate: LSPlayerDelegate?

The delegate object that conforms to the LSPlayerDelegate protocol.

player.delegate = self

isPlaying: Bool

Get only property. A boolean that denotes whether the video is currently playing.


currentTime: Double?

Get only property. Returns the current time of the video.


duration: Double?

Get only property. Returns the duration of the video.


isMuted: Bool

Get/Set property. A boolean that denotes whether the video is muted.

if player.isMuted == false {
     player.isMuted = true



Destroy, clean up, and remove player.

// Swift
// Objective-C
[player invalidate];

seek(to second: Int)

Programatically seek to specific timecode.

Set timecode to 30 seconds:

// Swift
player.seek(to: 30)
// Objective-C
[player seekTo:30];

Player behavior will follow what player.isPlaying is set to. ie if video is pause, video will stay paused at new timecode. Automatically called when user interacts with timeline

playLongerAnimation(completionCallback: @escaping () -> ())

Plays the Littlstar animation and execute the code in the completionCallback when the animation is done.

// Swift
player.playLongerAnimation {
// Objective-C
[player playLongerAnimationWithCompletionCallback:^{
    [player close];


Calls self.invalidate() to destroy the LSPlayer. If the parent view controller of the LSPlayer is on a navigation controller stack, this function pops the the view controller off the stack. To Implement a custom close() function, override this function and make sure to call self.invalidate() to properly destroy the LSPlayer and prevent memory leaks.

// Swift
// Objective-C
[player close];


Plays video from current timecode. Sets player.isPlaying to true. If showing a new video, starts playing. If the video is already playing, has no effect. If the media is an image, has no effect.

// Swift
// Objective-C
[player play];


Pauses video at current timecode. Sets player.isPlaying to false. If the video is already paused, has no effect. If the media is an image, has no effect.

// Swift
// Objective-C
[player pause];

setVRMode(enable: Bool)

Enter or exit VR cardboard mode. enable - when set to true, enters VR cardboard mode. Exits VR cardboard mode when set to false.

// Swift

// Enter VR cardboard mode
player.setVRMode(enable: true)

// Exit VR cardboard mode
player.setVRMode(enable: false)
// Objective-C

// Enter VR cardboard mode
[player setVRModeWithEnable:true]; 

// Exit VR cardboard mode
[player setVRModeWithEnable:false]; 


Single Tap

Toggles the menu UI. Calls the LSPlayerDelegate method lsPlayerDidTap() if it is implemented.

Pan Gesture (single finger)

Rotates 360 video.



Language:Swift 100.0%