ijingo / fabric-1.0-ioheavy

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IOHeavy workload for Hyperledger Fabric v1.0-RC1


chaincode folder contains the IOheavy chaincode using the latest version Chaincode StubAPI.

network folder contains keyfiles which are gotten directly from the Fabric example https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/tree/master/fabcar

run-peer.sh & run-orderer.sh set some system environment variables before start the peer and orderer executable binary

create_channel.sh, join_channel.sh, install_chaincode.sh, instantiate_chaincode.sh are scripts to instantiate the chaincode.

invoke.js is the chaincode driver which issues transactions using Fabric Node.js SDK, invoke.sh is a script to launch the driver and set some parameters such as how many key/value pairs are going to write/scan.

Running steps

Step 1: Compile Fabric v1.0-RC1

Download source code from https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/releases and choose the v1.0.0-rc1 tag. Or use source code with UStore support from https://github.com/ijingo/fabric/ under the 1.0-rc1-ustore branch.

Put the source code under $GOPATH, such as $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/

Under the project root path ($GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric), use make peer and make orderer. This will download base docker images and generate binaries into the $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/build/bin/ directory.

Step 2: Setup a test network

  1. Copy all the things from this repository into the $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/build/bin directory.

  2. Add orderer.example.com peer0.example.com peer1.example.com

into /etc/hosts

  1. Edit the path prefix of the line export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/data/wangji/gowork/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/build/bin/network/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/peers/peer0.org1.example.com/msp in run-peer.sh accordingly, and change the line export CORE_PEER_FILESYSTEMPATH=/data/wangji/tmp/hyperledger/production to make it point to the desired folder to hold the ledger data.

Use export CORE_LEDGER_STATE_STATEDATABASE=goleveldb in the run-peer.sh to enable goleveldb as the storage.

Also, edit the path prefix of the line export ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISFILE=/data/wangji/gowork/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/build/bin/network/genesis.block and export ORDERER_GENERAL_LOCALMSPDIR=/data/wangji/gowork/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/build/bin/network/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp in run-orderer.sh accordingly, also make export ORDERER_FILELEDGER_LOCATION=/data/wangji/tmp/hyperledger/production/orderer point to the storage location.

This step is to set the peer and orderer using the private keys in the network/crypto-config folder, and also set the data storage path of the ledger data when using goleveldb as the storage.

  1. Run run-orderer.sh to launch an orderer and run run-peer.sh to launch a peer.

  2. Change the CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH environment variable in the *_channel.sh and *_chaincode.sh as well. Change the mychannel.tx file path in the create_channel.sh file (last line in this file). Then run create_channel.sh, join_channel.sh sequentially.

Step 3: Install chaincode

Create a folder under $GOPATH/src/github.com/ named ioheavy, copy chaincode/ioheavy.go file into $GOPATH/src/github.com/ioheavy folder. Run install_chaincode.sh and instantiate_chaincode.sh to instantiate a chaincode instance.

Note: in version 1.0, the chaincode is no need to be downloaded from Github.

Step 4: Launch workload driver

Use node invoke.js start_key value_num to issue one write or scan transaction. Change the fcn field at line https://github.com/ijingo/fabric-1.0-ioheavy/blob/master/invoke.js#L53 with write to issue write transaction or scan to issue scan transaction. The transaction will actually insert new key/value pairs or scan old key/value pairs. The parameter start_key is to set the starting key of write/scan, value_num is to set how many operations to be done. For example, with start_key=100 and value_num=10, the driver will insert/scan key/value pairs with key 00000000000000000100, 00000000000000000101, ..., 00000000000000000109.

The node.js driver will automatically registers an event to wait until the transaction finish.

invoke.sh is a simple helper script to launch node invoke.js x y multiple times.

Run with UStore

  1. Build ustore go library using pull request 128 https://github.com/nusdbsystem/USTORE/pull/128 . It will automatically install ustore under $GOPATH/src/ustore

  2. Build Hyperledger Fabric with UStore version which can be gotten from https://github.com/ijingo/fabric/ under the 1.0-rc1-ustore branch.

  3. Copy a ustore conf folder into the fabric binary folder (or which the path the binary is run in).

  4. Use export CORE_LEDGER_STATE_STATEDATABASE=UStore (UStore case sensitive) in the run-peer.sh to enable UStore as the storage (which is exact the same with the code in this repository but not default by Hyperledger Fabric).

  5. Do the same Step 2-4 in the last section.

Test Environment

  • ciidaa-a19 machine
  • node.js == v6.11.0
  • go == 1.8.3
  • cmake == 3.8.2
  • Docker version 17.03.2-ce, build f5ec1e2



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