ihtfw / CSharp.Script

Simple library, that helps compile and execute C# code in runtime

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple library, that helps compile and execute C# code in runtime. For compile is used Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp pacakge so we can use up to C# 9.

Main idea

All you have to do is to write methods, properties and fields, everything else will be done by framework.

public string Foo(){ return "HelloWorld; }

would be compiled to

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace UNGb67bdaca8048407eb33a8ec35ededec0
    public class UNG9088b1f3fd194b02ac8f2f8db543eaae
        public string Foo() { return "HelloWorld"; }

for each compilation unique namespace and class name are generated.

Basic usage

//build caching compiler, that would return same assembly for 
var compilerBuilder = new CompilerBuilder();
var compiler = compilerBuilder.Build(); 
var assembly = compiler.Compile(@"public string Foo(){ return ""Hello World!""; }");
//script container provide methods to interact with methods, properties and fields
var scriptContainer = new ScriptContainer(assembly);
var returnValue = scriptContainer.Methods.Get("Foo").Invoke<string>();

Assert.AreEqual("Hello World!", returnValue);


Each ScriptContatiner has instance of class that was compiled. It means that it has state!

var compilerBuilder = new CompilerBuilder();
var compiler = compilerBuilder.Build(); 

var sourceCodeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
sourceCodeBuilder.AppendLine(@"public int StateProp { get; set; }");
sourceCodeBuilder.AppendLine(@"public void IncrementStateProp() { StateProp++; }");
var assembly = compiler.Compile(sourceCodeBuilder.ToString());
var scriptContainer = new ScriptContainer(assembly);

//default value StateProp is 0
var stateProp = scriptContainer.Properties.Get("StateProp");
Assert.AreEqual(0, stateProp.Get<int>());

//invrement StateProp by invoking method IncrementStateProp()
Assert.AreEqual(1, stateProp.Get<int>());

I need references to my own assemblies!

var compilerBuilder = new CompilerBuilder();
//if you need extra using
//if you need extra reference
//if you want to add usings and references by type

Naming conventions

SetDefaultValues method

There is special method SetDefaultValues()

public void SetDefaultValues(){ PropertyThatShouldBeInitialized = 3; }
public int PropertyThatShouldBeInitialized { get; set; }

that would be invoked in ctor of ScriptContainer if exists

Extend class

extend MySuperClass;

public string Foo(){ return "HelloWorld; }

would be compiled to

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MyAssemblyNamespace;

namespace UNGb67bdaca8048407eb33a8ec35ededec0
    public class UNG9088b1f3fd194b02ac8f2f8db543eaae : MySuperClass 
        public string Foo() { return "HelloWorld"; }

don't forget to add using and refence to MySuperClass in such scenario.

Build package

dotnet pack -c Release -p:PackageVersion=2021.3.17.1


Simple library, that helps compile and execute C# code in runtime

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%