Ihor Shevchenko (ihor-shevchenko-pro)


Geek Repo

Location:Kiev, Ukraine

Home Page:https://www.linkedin.com/in/ihor-shevchenko-pro

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ihor Shevchenko's repositories


Dashboard application for business intelligence from scratch using ASP.NET API Core 3.1 with PostgreSQL and Angular 9 for front-end client.



The App is a task manager with authentication. After logging in, the user has access to all users of the application, which is updated in real time, and the ability to send tasks to other users. The recipient get's task information on all his devices, which are also updated in real time. Technologies: Web API .Net Core 3.1, Postgres, SignalR, Angular



Here we have a Web API Project which allowes us to provide the possibility of getting data from the storages by simulating a very short delay from the dummy database and compare by getting exactly the same data from the cache using Redis which is almost instantly. And pack all stuff into docker-compose.



web api from scratch using modern approaches, patterns and libraries such as: .net5, webapi core, entity framework, cqrs, mediatr, identityserver4, fluent validation, swagger, serilog, x-unit and so on.



App covers building microservices using net5. The project is built on the basis of the latest technologies, approaches and frameworks, such as: REST, CQRS, Mediator, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, SignalR, gRPC, Async/Await, EventBus RabbitMQ K8S, Docker etc.
