ihaz / jiracli

Simple command line interface for Jira

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Jira command line interface

jiracli is a simple command line interface based on the jira module. The module uses the REST API to communicate with the Jira instance.


python2.7 and jira from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jira/ is needed.

  • You can install jiracli with pip in a virtual environment:

    virtualenv myenv
    source myenv/bin/activate
    pip install jiracli
  • or without an virtual env:

    pip install jiracli
  • or directly from the extracted source:

    python setup.py install


During the first run, jiracli asks for username, password and Jira url. All values are stored in ~/.jiracli.ini. If the password key is removed from the configuration file, jiracli asks everytime for the password.

There are some optional configuration options which can be set in the configuration file:


Defaults to "true". If set to "false", the cerfificate verification while talking to the JIRA server is disabled.


Try the help with:

./jiracli -h

Example: create a new issue:

The following command creates a new issue for the project PROJECT. Issue type is Dev Bug, labels are abc and def and components are xxx and yyyy:

./jiracli  -c PROJECT "Dev Bug" "my test summary" "abc,def" "xxx,yyyy"

Example: show a single issue:

The following command prints a single issue:

./jiracli -i PROJECT-3535
PROJECT-3535, Prod Bug: This is a terrible bug. (Created, Low)
created              : Thu Oct 24 09:30:35 2013, by t.bechtold
assignee             : t.bechtold
updated              : Fri Nov  8 15:56:27 2013
components           : SITE:XYZ
labels               : mylabel
attachment           :

You can also provide a list of issues. Then all issues will be printed. To also see the description of the issue(s), use --issue-desc. To list the comments, use --issue-comments. For a short overview (online per issue), use --issue-oneline.

Example: use favourite filters

To see the favourite filters of the currently logged in user, do:

$ ./jiracli --filter-list-fav
23905, t.bechtold PROJECT bugs
Url                  : https://example.com/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=23905
description          : Bugs of t.bechtold in project PROJECT
owner                : t.bechtold
jql                  : project = PROJECT AND asignee = t.bechtold

The number 23905 in the filter head line is the filter-id. This id is used to search the issues for this filter:

./jiracli --issue-search-by-filter 23905

This command simply executes the search string given by the filter.

Example: Searching with jql

Useing the Jira query language to search is simple:

./jiracli --issue-search "assignee=CurrentUser() and status='Closed'" --issue-comments

This command searches for all closed issues of the currently logged in user. The command also prints the comments for every issue.

Example: Add and remove issue watchers

To get informed if something changed on an issue, there are watchers. The following commands add and remove a watch:

./jiracli --issue-watch-add PROJECT-1234
./jiracli --issue-watch-remove PROJECT-1234

Example: Add and remove labels

Adding and removing labels is simple. First add a label called testlabel and then remove it:

./jiracli --issue-label-add PROJECT-3724 "testlabel"
./jiracli --issue-label-remove PROJECT-3724 "testlabel"

Example: Add and remove components

A list of available components for a given project is available with:

./jiracli  --project-list-components PROJECT

Now add and remove a component from the given list to an issue:

./jiracli --issue-component-add PROJECT-1234 "COMP1"
./jiracli --issue-component-remove PROJECT-1234 "COMP1"

Example: Add and remove fix versions to issue

This is a simple task, similar to labels or components:

./jiracli --issue-fix-version-add PROJECT-3750 "My Fix version"
./jiracli --issue-fix-version-remove PROJECT-3750 "My Fix version"

Example: Add a comment to an issue

The following command open a text editor to insert the comment:

./jiracli --issue-comment-add PROJECT-3724

The short form is:

./jiracli --issue-comment-add PROJECT-3724 -m "another comment"

Example: Create multiple tickets in one shot

With a simple plain text file filled with Issue summaries per line you can easily greate mulitple Issues and Sub-Tasks in one run.

The layout of the file is pretty basic:

  • each line represents an issue
  • this line will be the summary of the issue
  • issues starting with a * or - character will be a Sub-Task of the previous parent issue


As a DevOps I want to automate all daily duties via a RESTful API
* Collect requirments from all DevOps teams
* Design RESTful API draft
* Implement the API

The following command creates multiple tickets with the summary from the given file:

./jiracli --issues-create PROJECT "User Story" "Sub-task" sprint22-stories.txt

Appending Sub-Tasks or Child-Tickets from a file to an existing Issue with a given parent id:

./jiracli --issue-parent PROJECT-3763 --issues-create PROJECT "User Story" "Sub-task" sprint22-stories.txt

Example: Show ongoing sprint for a project

The following command will show you the current ongoing sprint of a project:

./jiracli --sprint MYPROJECT
issue    status          assignee    summary
-------  --------------  ----------  -------------------------------------------
RD-1547  In Progress     user_owner  Bug on main screen of MyLittlePoney Project
RD-1517  Refused         Nobody      Please add a green poney
RD-1516  Resolved        user_x      My poney is not pink enough

Example: Assign an issue

The following command will assign an issue to a given user:

./jiracli --issue-assign DOCUMENT-628 t.bechtold


jiracli is hosted on github . Please send pull requests or create issus there.


tox is used for testing. To execute i.e. the pep8 style checks, run:

tox -epep8


Simple command line interface for Jira

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%