igvteam / igv-reports

Python application to generate self-contained pages embedding IGV visualizations, with no dependency on original input files.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Change default track height for tracks supplied via --tracks

phillip-richmond-umoja opened this issue · comments


This is an excellent package that you have created. I have a question about supplying configuration for the tracks via --track-config.

Right now, I'm running igv-reports as such:

    create_report \
	--fasta $genome_fasta \
	--output "GenesOfInterest_${enzyme_name}-sites_igvreport.html" \
	--tracks $genome_gtf $candidate_bed_pass $candidate_bed_fail $encode_cre $annotation_bedgraph \
	--flanking 10 \

If I want all the tracks to have increased height, from 50 -> 100, is there a directive I can give to the --track-config json to specify this? Or would I need to define all the tracks I intend to show via --track-config, and not pass them via --tracks?
