igorskyflyer / npm-vscode-folderpicker

โœจ Provides a custom Folder Picker API + UI for Visual Studio Code. ๐ŸŽจ

Home Page:https://www.npmjs.com/package/@igor.dvlpr/vscode-folderpicker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


for Visual Studio Code

Made possible with ๐ŸฆŽ Gecko - an upcoming project.

โš  This module is built as the core functionality of my New Folder Visual Studio Code extension and is still under active development, use at own risk, if needed.

โœจ Current major version v.2.x.x contains breaking changes.

Provides a custom Folder Picker API + UI for Visual Studio Code.

The module exposes a single function showFolderPicker() which provides a custom QuickPick UI rather than the built-in Visual Studio Code QuickPick UI.

Currently, its functionalities are tightly-coupled with my extension New Folder but I will make the module more generic in the future.

๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ The necessity for this module?

๐Ÿ’ฌ When I started my beforementioned New Folder extension for Visual Studio Code my goal was to implement a simple UX for creating new folders when opening a new/blank instance of Visual Studio Code since that behavior is not built-in. I started with the built-in vscode.window.showSaveDialog() function which works great when you set the option files.simpleDialog.enable to true but that is a global preference and not everyone - including myself - wants to change the whole UX for file/folder opening just for that. Then I reached out to our friends at @microsoft/vscode and posted a feature request #127201 to override this behavior but they closed the feature request as that is by-design. Another issue that was present is that the original code only allowed to create a single-level child folder (no nested/recursive folder creation) due to limitations of the native vscode.window.showSaveDialog() function. Upon closure I decided to build my own UI/logic for that and this project and module are what I managed to achieve so far. ๐Ÿค—


Install it by running

npm i "@igor.dvlpr/vscode-folderpicker"


enum ResponseSpeed

Used for controlling the response speed of the InputBox of the QuickPick. Since v.2.0.0 callbacks for generating Actions are throttled/debounced when necessary and the picker now waits for the user to finish their input before generating available Actions for performance reasons. Throttling provided by Zep().

Available values are: Instant, Fast, Normal (default), Lazy.

Note: setting the property responseSpeed in the options parameter of showFolderPicker() to Instant will disable throttling!

showFolderPicker(directory: string, options?: FolderPickerOptions): void


directory: string - the initial directory to show in Folder Picker UI, if none is specified default to user home directory, options: FolderPickerOptions - additional options to pass and where you should place your callbacks, will most likely change in the near future. All properties are optional and callbacks are not defined.

Available properties/callbacks:


  • [dialogTitle]: string = 'Pick a Folder' - the Folder Picker title, shown at the top of the picker,

  • [showIcons]: boolean = true - indicates whether icons will be shown in the Folder Picker. When this property is set to false all/any icons you set will be ignored,

Icons - grouped together for brevity

  • [iconFolder]: string = '' - icon to use for folder entries,
  • [iconFolderUp]: string = '' - icon to use for the folder up entry,
  • [iconCreate]: string = '' - icon to use for Create folder Action,
  • [iconNavigate]: string = '' - icon to use for Navigate to... Action,
  • [iconPick]: string = '' - icon to use for Pick current directory Action.
  • [iconClear]: string = '' - icon to use for Clear Action, available when the folder name is not valid.

Be aware that the term icon is used here as a descriptive one, this property expects a single emoji or a single ThemeIcon which is a string as well, to see the list of available ThemeIcons, look at the official Visual Studio Code documentation, here,

  • [responseSpeed]: ResponseSpeed = ResponseSpeed.Normal - used for controlling the response speed of the InputBox of the QuickPick. See ResponseSpeed,

  • [ignoreFocusOut]: boolean = true - whether the UI should stay open even when loosing UI focus. Defaults to true,

  • [showConfigButton]: boolean = false - whether to show a Config button in the top-right corner of the Picker. Defaults to false,

  • [autoNavigate]: boolean = false - whether to auto navigate to a child folder when creating new child folders. Defaults to false,

  • [canPick]: boolean = false - whether to enable picking of current folder in the Picker. Defaults to true,

  • [onCreateFolder]: (folderPath: string) => void - called when the New Folder action is triggered, here you should put your logic for folder creation,

  • [onNavigateTo]: (folderPath: string, ui: vscode.QuickPick) => void - called when the user is navigating to an arbitrary absolute path.

  • [onGoUp]: (folderPath: string, ui: vscode.QuickPick) => void - called when the user has clicked on the parent folder entry, that navigates one folder up the directory tree.

  • [onPickFolder]: (folderPath: string) => void - called when the user has picked a folder.

  • [onError]: (error: Error) => void - called when an error has occurred.

  • [onClose]: () => void - called when the user has closed the picker, either by picking a folder, creating a new one, removed focus from the UI - if applicable - ignoreFocusOut = false, or pressing Esc.

  • [onConfigButton]: () => void - since v.2.0.0 a Config button is shown at the top right corner of the UI. This callback will be invoked when clicking on it.

  • [onFetch]: () => void - called before the picker fetches directory entries. Most likely this callback will be removed.

  • [onUnspecifiedAction]: (ui: vscode.QuickPick) => void - called when there is no action specified. This callback might be triggered in some rare cases - might be removed.


then call it inside your extension's code,

// some magic code ๐Ÿ”ฎ

showFolderPicker(directory, {
  iconFolder: 'โšก',
  iconFolderUp: '๐Ÿ”ผ',
  ignoreFocusOut: true,

// even more magic code โœจ



๐ŸŽฏ Create

Command Palette: New Relative Folder Command palette command to create a folder in the current directory

Command Palette: New Absolute Folder Command palette command to create a folder with an absolute path

Command Palette: New Recursive Folder Command palette command to create folders recursively in the current folder

Command Palette: Invalid Folder Invalid folder name supplied

๐ŸŽฏ Navigate

Command Palette: Navigate to Relative Folder Navigation to relative-path folders

Command Palette: Navigate to Absolute Folder Navigation to absolute-path folders

Command Palette: Pick Folder Pick a Folder


โœจ Provides a custom Folder Picker API + UI for Visual Studio Code. ๐ŸŽจ


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%