igor11191708 / grand-access

Access permision camera, mic, cam in Swift These code are designed to help manage permission camera, permition contacts and display alerts within a SwiftUI application. Added permision for microphone Photo Library Support from ios 14

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Grand access and Permission async/await

Why ?! instead of a preface

So, while working on some projects, I kept running into designs that needed the rights request functions to be in different visual components. Instead of copying and pasting the same code everywhere, I decided to streamline things by pulling that functionality into its own package.

I’ve decided to separate certain permission-acquiring functionalities within my projects because each type of permission has its unique implementation requirements. I might even consider placing each of them in a separate package. I will think about this later based on practical experience.

SwiftUI example

The project demonstrating how to handle camera permissions in an iOS application here


Explore the Async location repository on GitHub. It provides practical examples on how to set up and manage permissions for location services in iOS applications.


This package contains two main components: GrandAccessModifier and Permission. These components are designed to help manage permissions and display alerts within a SwiftUI application.


Request access for

  • Camera: iOS, macOS, tvOS (tvOS 17.0+)
  • Contacts: iOS, macOS, watchOS
  • Microphone: iOS, watchOS
  • Photo Library: iOS, macOS, tvOS


  • Customizable Alert: Allows setting custom titles and messages for alerts.
  • Settings Navigation: Provides a button to open the app’s settings directly from the alert.
  • Compatibility: Supports iOS 14, macOS 11, tvOS 14, watchOS 7 and later versions with appropriate alert handling.


  • Asynchronous Permission Handling: Uses async/await for checking and requesting permissions.
  • Robust Error Handling: Includes basic error handling and logging for permission requests.

simulate locations



To use GrandAccessModifier, apply it to any SwiftUI view. This modifier will display an alert when the showingAlert binding is set to true.


import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var showingAlert = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Hello, World!")
                    title: "Access Required",
                    message: "This app requires access to your settings.",
                    showingAlert: $showingAlert

            Button("Show Alert") {
                showingAlert = true


Permission provides asynchronous properties to check if access to contacts or the camera has been granted, and methods to request access if it hasn't.


Permission Keys and Descriptions

Add to Info.plist file to include the necessary permission descriptions:

NS Key Key Description
NSCameraUsageDescription Privacy - Camera Usage Description A string that describes why your app needs access to the camera. This is displayed in the permission dialog.
NSContactsUsageDescription Privacy - Contacts Usage Description A string that explains why your app needs access to the user’s contacts.
NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Privacy - Microphone Usage Description A string that details why your app requires access to the microphone.
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description A string that justifies why your app needs access to the photo library.
Example Descriptions:
  • Camera: "This app uses the camera to let you take photos to personalize your profile."
  • Contacts: "Access to contacts is used for quickly inviting your friends to join the app."
  • Microphone: "The microphone access is needed for voice chats in your conversations."
  • Photo Library: "This app accesses your photo library for uploading images to your account."
import AVFoundation
import Contacts
import Photos

// Check if contacts access is granted
let isContactsGranted = await Permission.isContactsGranted

// Request contacts access if not granted
if !isContactsGranted {
    let granted = await Permission.requestContactsAccess
    if granted {
        // Access granted
    } else {
        // Access denied

// Similarly, check and request access for Camera, Microphone, and Photo Library
let isCameraGranted = await Permission.isCameraGranted
let isMicrophoneGranted = await Permission.isMicrophoneGranted
let isPhotoLibraryGranted = await Permission.isPhotoLibraryGranted
import SwiftUI

struct PermissionView: View {
    @State private var isCameraGranted = false
    @State private var isContactsGranted = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Check Camera Permission") {
                Task {
                    isCameraGranted = await Permission.isCameraGranted
                    print("Camera Access: \(isCameraGranted)")

            Button("Check Contacts Permission") {
                Task {
                    isContactsGranted = await Permission.isContactsGranted
                    print("Contacts Access: \(isContactsGranted)")



Var Description
title The title of the alert.
message The main message of the alert.
showingAlert A binding to control the visibility of the alert.
url The URL to open when the settings button is pressed. Defaults to the app settings URL.


Method Description Access
isContactsGranted Checks if contacts access is granted. public
isCameraGranted Checks if camera access is granted. public
isMicrophoneGranted Checks if microphone access is granted. public
isPhotoLibraryGranted Checks if photo library access is granted. public
requestContactsAccess Requests access to contacts. internal
requestCameraAccess Requests access to the camera. internal
requestMicrophoneAccess Requests access to the microphone. internal
requestPhotoLibraryAccess Requests access to the photo library. internal


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Access permision camera, mic, cam in Swift These code are designed to help manage permission camera, permition contacts and display alerts within a SwiftUI application. Added permision for microphone Photo Library Support from ios 14

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%