igolus / ThermalPrinter-Http-Service

Http RESR service to pilot EPSON and STAR thermal printer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Thermal-Printer-Http-Service is an application built with electron. It provides an http service to print ticket on thermal printers like Epson TM-M30 or Star TSP 143.

The first motivation of this project is to enable interactions on thermal printers from a web application.

This application is usefull with the project la toque magique


Using npm

in the console:

npm install
npm start

Using the installer (for windows)

Run the installer coming from releases publishing


After launching the application you should see the following widow:

The application is running an express server on port 3005 and you can interact with it using http protocol.

As an example we will use postMan to drive the printer:

The url to target is : http://localhost:3005/printThermal

Then you can define the content of you ticket using the body of the request example :

  "data": {
    "currentDate": "*{{currentDate}}*"
  "headerScript" : "printer.bold(true)\n printer.println(data.currentDate)\n",
  "bodyScript" : "printer.println(\"TEST\")\n",
  "footerScript" : "printer.println(\"FOOTER\")\n",
  "model": "EPSON",
  "urlPrinter": "tcp://"


This structure is used to pass information that can be used in the scrip files


The url of you tpc printer, you can get it when rebooting you printer ate least for EPSON models


  • STAR


the body is divided into 3 part

  • header
  • body
  • footer

The application will treat the content of the script in the order defined above.

The content of each script is a javascript piece of code where you can use all the printer operations

printer.print("Hello World");                               // Append text
printer.println("Hello World");                             // Append text with new line
printer.openCashDrawer();                                   // Kick the cash drawer
printer.cut();                                              // Cuts the paper (if printer only supports one mode use this)
printer.partialCut();                                       // Cuts the paper leaving a small bridge in middle (if printer supports multiple cut modes)
printer.beep();                                             // Sound internal beeper/buzzer (if available)

See details here

Download postman collection

If do not have a printer, you can simulate it using escpos-printer-simulator



Http RESR service to pilot EPSON and STAR thermal printer

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 70.2%Language:HTML 18.1%Language:CSS 11.7%