ignatenko-denis / liquibase

Liquibase is an open-source database schema change management solution which enables you to manage revisions of your database changes easily.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Liquibase and Maven

Prints which changesets need to be applied to the database.

mvn liquibase:status

Before update, run this and check SQL-script in /target/liquibase/migrate.sql

mvn liquibase:updateSQL

Update all. Result: 5 rows in table databasechangelog.

mvn liquibase:update -e -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=DEBUG

Before rollback, run this and check SQL-script in /target/liquibase/migrate.sql

mvn liquibase:rollbackSQL -Dliquibase.rollbackCount=2

Rollback 2 step back. Result: 3 rows in table databasechangelog.

mvn liquibase:rollback -Dliquibase.rollbackCount=2

Rollback to tag. Tag will not be in table databasechangelog. Result: 2 rows in table databasechangelog.

mvn liquibase:rollback -Dliquibase.rollbackTag=01.000.00

Rollback to tag. Tag will not be in table databasechangelog. Result: 0 rows in table databasechangelog.

mvn liquibase:rollback -Dliquibase.rollbackTag=00.000.00

Update to the tag. Tag will be in table databasechangelog. Result: 3 rows in table databasechangelog.

mvn liquibase:update -Dliquibase.toTag=01.000.00 -e -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=DEBUG


Liquibase is an open-source database schema change management solution which enables you to manage revisions of your database changes easily.