ignasi / AndroidFaceCropper

Android bitmap Face Cropper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Android bitmap Face Cropper

Link to sample apk and jar

##Usage To crop faces automatically, you have to instantiate an object of FaceCropper class in that way:

FaceCropper mFaceCropper = new FaceCropper();

cropFace method supports int argument as a drawable resource, or directly a Bitmap.

##Configuration There are 4 important methods to configure its behavior:

setMaxFaces(int faces), to adjust the maximum number of faces to be recognized.

setFaceMinSize(int faceMinSize), in pixels.

setFaceMarginPx(int faceMarginPx), in pixels, and for each side.

setEyeDistanceFactorMargin(float eyeDistanceFactorMargin), as a multiplier of the distance between the detected face eyes.


Android bitmap Face Cropper

License:Apache License 2.0