igmriegel / igmriegel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Just some dude who loves working with data 😎

I can crunch data with Python and R, I'm way more familiar with python tools for developing a repository in a organized manner.

I'm familiar with Postgres and SQLite databases but I love using DuckDB as SGDB.

I can code with JavaScript, and a little bit of TypeScript and I'm trying to oxidize my stack with Rust but in bytesized lessons, there's a lot to learn.

I ❀️ working with data, to do some πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ with data these are some of the tools I'm familiar with are Polars Anaconda NumPy Pandas Apache Spark scikit-learn SciPy TensorFlow Matplotlib DuckDB Plotly

(of course there are more tools I use more tool, but I couldn't find beautiful badges for them 😿 yet)

I can crush some data on Microsoft Excel too, but I think you don't wanna hear about it... πŸ™‰

On my spare time I'll probably be grinding on Datacamp Coursera Exercism FreeCodeCamp Khan Academy



Code style: black Cause life is better painted in black.
