igavrysh / ssga-scraper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SSGA Scrapper Service

Scraps some funds info from https://www.ssga.com portal. For more details check com.orbis.ssgascraper.ScraperMain class.

Service Info

Service is globally available by address

Main Endpoints

  • POST - to get access token api_login

  • GET - to refresh token api_token_refresh

  • GET - to get funds list api_funds

  • GET{TICKER} - to get detailed info for fund with TICKER name api_fun

Deployment & Mng Commands

Step 1. Build the project with command:

./mvnw clean package

Step 2. Create a keypair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “your-email@somedomain.com” -f ./key/id_rsa

Arifact should be located in folder ./target/ e.g. (./target/ssga-scraper-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)

Step 3. Create a Droplet (Virtual Machine) based on ubuntu 20.04. Use key pair created on Step 2/

Step 4. SSH to the machine and do the following

ssh -i key/id_rsa root@<IP Address of the Droplet>

Step 5. Configure droplet (after sshing to it):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless
java -version

Step 6. Create artifact dir and move compiled project there:

mkdir /artifact

Copy project:

scp -i key/id_rsa demo/target/ssga-scraper-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar root@<IP Address of the Droplet>:/artifact
scp -i key/id_rsa ssga-scraper-spring-boot.service root@<IP Address of the Droplet>:/etc/systemd/system

Step 7. Run a service:

systemctl start ssga-scraper-spring-boot.service

Step 8. Enable service auto start in case Droplet is restarted:

systemctl enable ssga-scraper-spring-boot.service

Step 9. To check server logs:

journalctl -u ssga-scraper-spring-boot.service


journalctl -u ssga-scraper-spring-boot.service --no-pager

or :

journalctl -u ssga-scraper-spring-boot.service --e

To restart service:

sudo systemctl restart ssga-scraper-spring-boot.service

To reload config:

systemctl daemon-reload



Language:Java 100.0%