igaryok / react_dynamic-list-of-posts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React dynamic list of Posts

Demo link

Add link here: [DEMO LINK](https://<your_account>.github.io/<repo_name>/)


By requesting https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts, https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users, and https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments, create and display a list of posts with the following data on each:

  1. the title of the post;
  2. the text (body) of the post;
  3. the name, email, and address of the author of the post;
  4. sublist of the post comments, including the name and email of the author of each comment as well as the comment itself.

Create and use five components: PostList, Post, User, CommentList, and Comment. You can use the User component from both Post (with address) and Comment (without providing any address).

Initially PostList has to present the user with a button labeled "Load". Only when the user hits the button, the script starts to download the data; the label of the button has to change to "Loading..." and the button must become disabled. Once the data has been loaded, hide the button altogether and display the posts instead.

Additionally, you should provide a capability of filtering the items by text entered by the user (when filtering, you can consider only the title and the text of the post).


  • Fork the repository with task
  • Clone forked repository
    git clone git@github.com:<user_name>/<task_repository>.git
  • Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Then develop

Development mode

  • Run npm start to start development server on http://localhost:3000 When you run server the command line window will no longer be available for writing commands until you stop server (ctrl + c). All other commands you need to run in new command line window.
  • Follow HTML, CSS styleguide
  • Follow the simplified JS styleguide
  • run npm run lint to check code style
  • When you finished add correct homepage to package.json and run npm run deploy
  • Add links to your demo in readme.md.
    • [DEMO LINK](https://<your_account>.github.io/<repo_name>/) - this will be a link to your index.html
  • Commit and push all recent changes.
  • Create Pull Request from forked repo (<branch_name>) to original repo (master).
  • Add a link at PR to Google Spreadsheets.

Project structure

  • src/ - directory for css, js, image, fonts files
  • build/ - directory for built pages

You should be writing code in src/ directory.



Language:JavaScript 62.7%Language:HTML 33.2%Language:CSS 4.1%