ifzz / mural

2D frontend for Flame engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mural is a 2D graphical frontend for Flame RPG engine written in Go with Pixel library.

GUI uses MTK, a simple toolkit built with Pixel and Beep libraries.

Currently in an early development stage.

Flame games with Mural support:


Simple demo game based on Arena module with Mural GUI support.

Download: Linux, Windows, macOS


2D Game that recreates the Elwynn Forest area from WoW, with multiplayer support.

Download: Linux, macOS, Windows

Repository: GitHub


First, make sure you have dependencies required by Pixel and Beep.

After that, use go build:

go build


Before starting GUI specify the ID of a Flame module in .mural configuration file:

Create file .mural in Mural executable directory(or run Mural to create it automatically) and add the following line:

module:[module ID]

Mural will search the default modules directory(data/modules) for a module with the specified ID.

Flame modules are available for download here.

Run Mural:




WSAD - move HUD camera

Right mouse button - target object

Left mouse button - move player/interact with object(loot/dialog/attack)

SPACE - pause game

ESCAPE - open in-game menu

ENTER - activate/deactivate chat

B - open inventory

K - open skills menu

L - open journal

V - open crafting menu

C - open character window


It's possible to join an online game hosted on the Fire server.

To connect to the remote server specify server host and port in server config value in the .mural configuration file.

After that Mural will try to establish a connection with the game server on startup.

If the connection was successful you can use the login menu to log in to the server.


Configuration values are loaded from .mural file in Mural executable directory.

Configuration values:

  lang:[language ID]

Specifies game language, language ID is name of directory with translation files in lang directories.

  module:[module ID]

Specifies module from data/modules directory to load at start, module ID is ID specified in .module file inside main module directory.


Enables engine debug mode(shows debug messages in engine log), 'true' enables mode, everything else sets mode disabled.


Enables fullscreen mode, 'true' enables fullscreen, everything else sets windowed mode.


Specifies current resolution.

max-fps[FPS value]

Specifies maximal FPS for the window.


Enables 'Fog of War' effect for an area map, 'true' enables FOW, everything else sets FOW disabled.

  main-font:[file name]

Specifies name of font file(located in graphic archive) for main UI font.


Specifies game music volume, 0 is system volume, <0 is quieter then system, >0 is louder then system.

  menu-music:[file name]

Specifies name of audio file(located in audio archive) for main menu music theme.

  button-click-sound:[file name]

Specifies name of audio file(located in audio archive) for button click sound.


Specified server host and port for remote game server.


Specifies user login and password for auto-login to the remote game server.

Module directory

All GUI-related files, including UI textures, audio files, and translations for the GUI elements, must be stored in the data/modules/[module name]/mural directory.

UI textures and audio files need to be provided by module and stored in mural/graphic.zip and mural/audio.zip respectively.

You can find default audio and graphic archives in the res directory of this repository.

Translation for GUI elements needs to be stored in the mural/lang sub-directory of the module directory.

You can find default translations in the res/lang directory of this repository.

For example check Arena module.


Mural uses AI API from Ignite to control NPCs.

All NPCs that should be controlled by the AI need to have the igniteNpc flag set.


Burn CI handles commands execution.

Additionally to Burn tools, Mural implements gui tools to manage game GUI. You can access CI by the dropdown console in the main menu(accessible by pressing '`'(grave)) or chat window in HUD.

Note: all commands entered in HUD chat window must be prefixed by '$' character.

Exit mural:

guiset -o exit

Description: exits program.

Save HUD state:

guiimport -o hud -a [save name]

Description: saves current HUD state to file in data/[module]/mural/saves directory.

Load HUD state:

guiexport -o hud -a [save name]

Description: load HUD state from file in data/[module]/mural/saves directory.

Mute music:

guiaudio -o set-mute -a true

Description: mutes/unmutes GUI music player.

Set music volume:

guiaudio -o set-volume -a [value]

Description: sets specified value as current volume level(0 - system volue, <0 - quieter, >0 - louder).


Mural handles Ash scripts placed in [module dir]/mural/scripts directory. To start script enter script name in chat window or game console with '%' prefix. Scripts from run sub-directory are started automatically on game start/load.

Area scripts are stored in [module dir]/mural/chapters/[chapter id]/areas/[area id]/scripts directory and started after area change.


Source code documentation can be easily browsed with go doc command.

Documentation for Burn commands in form of Troff pages is available under doc/command directory.

You can easily view documentation pages with man command.

For example to display documentation page for guiset command:

man doc/command/guiset

Note that documentation of Burn commands is still incomplete.


You are welcome to contribute to project development.

If you looking for things to do, then check TODO file or contact maintainer(ds@isangeles.dev).

When you find something to do, create a new branch for your feature. After you finish, open a pull request to merge your changes with master branch.



Copyright 2018-2023 Dariusz Sikora <ds@isangeles.dev>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


2D frontend for Flame engine

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Go 100.0%