ifilot / p2000t-sdcard

SD-card cartridge for the P2000T

Home Page:https://www.philips-p2000t.nl/cartridges/sdcard-cartridge.html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

P2000T SD-CARD cartridge

GitHub tag (latest SemVer) build License: GPL v3 License: CC-BY-SA v4


Perhaps the most elegant solution for loading CAS files into your P2000T is via a cartridge that hosts an SD-card slot. Even the smallest SD-cards have enough capacity to store the complete P2000T tape archive. Reading from such an SD-card is non-trivial and requires both a hardware solution to interface with the I/O port of the P2000T as well as a software solution to navigate through the files hosted on a FAT32 partition. This repository contains the PCB for interfacing a P2000T with an SD-card and the necessary software routines to grab .CAS files from said SD card and load them into memory.


Since version rev6 of the PCB, the I/O port has been changed to 0x40-0x4F, while older versions of the PCB use I/O port 0x60-0x6F. Depending on which version of the PCB you have, you need to use the right software packages. The different versions are indicated by 0x40 and 0x60.



  • Detailed documentation included how-to procedures can be found here
  • There is also a manual in Dutch available.


0x40 version

Compatible with PCB rev6 or newer.


Do not forget to change the LAUNCHER-0x40.BIN to LAUNCHER.BIN when copying the file to the SD-card.

0x60 version

Compatible with PCB rev0-rev5.


Do not forget to change the LAUNCHER-0x60.BIN to LAUNCHER.BIN when copying the file to the SD-card.


Upon booting into the LAUNCHER application, the user interfaces with the SD-card using a set of short commands. Below, the list of commands is provided

Command Description
ls List contents of current folder
lscas List contents of current folder, listing contents of CAS files
cd <number> Change directory
run <number> Run .CAS file
hexdump <number> Performs a 120-byte hexdump of a file
fileinfo <number> Provides location details of a file
ledtest Performs a quick test on the read/write LEDs
stack Show current position of the stack pointer
dump<XXXX> Perform a 120-byte hexdump of main memory starting at 0xXXXX
romdump<XXXX> Perform a 120-byte hexdump of cartridge ROM starting at 0xXXXX
ramdump<XXXX> Perform a 120-byte hexdump of cartridge RAM starting at 0xXXXX

Note that <number> needs to replaced with the specific number of a file. Users who are familiar with command line interfaces are probably used to specifying filenames rather than numbers. This reason this approach was chosen is mainly because it is simpler to program and furthermore a bit quicker to type.


Compilation is done using the z88dk Docker by means of compile.sh. To compile the launcher, run

cd src
./compile launcher

and for the flasher utility

cd src
./compile flasher


P2000T SD-card PCB screenshots

P2000T SD-card cartridge set and monitor



License facts


SD-card cartridge for the P2000T



Language:C 49.2%Language:Assembly 40.4%Language:Python 4.3%Language:C++ 3.7%Language:Makefile 1.7%Language:Shell 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%